KWLUG Meeting: Monday, September 10, 2018, 7pm
Meeting Date
Colin Knapp will update us on GitLab, the "open core" Git-repository manager. He calls his presentation "Creating Problems to Solve Problems in GitLab". Some of the topics he will cover include:
- How to organize and compartmentalize projects to reduce testing and growing pains.
- How to deal with increased complexity in compartmentalized projects
- The GitLab development cycle tools he uses when working on Tugthr.
- How he uses the built-in Kanban boards and commit messages to close tickets
- How GitLab-Runners work, and the difference between shared cloud runners and runners on your own hardware.
The remaining time will consist of an electronics swap meet. Do you have useful electronics that are no longer of use to you? Would you like to pick up some electronics for an upcoming project? Do you have stories to tell about cool older technology. Bring your things to giveaway and trade. If you have surplus, it will be sent to an organization that will dispose of it responsibly (Kwartzlab or Computer Recycling).