KWLUG Meeting: Monday, Oct 5 2015

File Synchronization

Meeting Date

Raul Suarez will present user-oriented file synchronization. He writes:

In the past we have heard about rsync and own cloud and other mechanisms
that, among other things, can be used to keep data synchronized across devices.

I work on several computers at home. Recently I found that I had to
remember in which computer I left the latest version of certain documents.

I went from computer to computer until I decided I needed a way to
synchronize them.
I compared and evaluated several tools and finally came to the one that
worked better for me. In this presentation I will go through the different tools I investigated
so you can decide which one works for you.

KWLUG Meeting: Monday, Sep 14, 2015, 7pm

Migrating a Laptop Drive, Supporting New Linux Users

Meeting Date

Khalid Baheyeldin will relate his adventures replacing a defective drive on his laptop, while keeping all the data from his old drive. There are a few tricks involved, such as getting hibernate to work.

Update: Khalid has made his presentation slides available here:

We will follow this up with a roundtable discussion on techniques and best practices for supporting new (and possibly nontechnical) Linux users, especially in a world with cloud services.

File Attachments

KWLUG Meeting: Monday, May 4 2015, 7pm

LibreOffice, Replacing cronjobs with systemd

Meeting Date

Marc Paré is involved with the LibreOffice development community, and he will discuss the project. He is interested in growing a local developer community around LibreOffice.

Update: The meeting slides are available in ODP and PDF format.

Jotham Apaloo will show us how he uses systemd-timers in place of cron jobs on his machine.

John Kerr ran into a scheduling conflict for May, so he will present the Raspberry Pi in June.

KWLUG Meeting: Monday, April 13, 2015, 7pm


Meeting Date

Chris Irwin will relate his experiences with btrfs, a next-generation file system. He will explore an end-user perspective of the goals, benefits and problems (both solved and created) of this new filesystem.

UPDATE: Here are the slides from Chris's presentation: 2015-04-13-btrfs.pdf

File Attachments

Attachment Size
2015-04-13-btrfs.pdf 291.59 KB

KWLUG Meeting: Monday, Jan 5 2015, 7pm

Licensing, Flashing an Acer Android Tablet

Meeting Date

Nathan Fish will discuss the importance of choosing the right license for software you write or modify, and some guidelines for doing so.

Khalid Baheyeldin will share some of his adventures flashing an Acer A500 tablet with OmniROM. He will walk us through the process of upgrading his tablet from the stock (outdated) Android version installed by the vendor to a more recent third party ROM. He found that his 2.5 year old tablet became faster as a result.

UPDATE: Khalid's slides are here and Nathan's are here.

* * *

The host for this meeting was acant.

KWLUG Meeting Monday, Dec 1 2014, 7pm

Ansible, Puppet

Meeting Date

Important! Our usual meeting space is under renovations this month, so this month's meeting will be held at a different Working Centre location:

The Working Centre
58 Queen Street South
(near the corner of Charles and Queen)

Sorry for the last minute notice.

* * *
Joe Wennechuk will tell us about the Ansible change management system, which focuses on simplicity, ease of use, security, and reliability.

Tim Laurence will tell us about Puppet, including an overview of change management systems in general.
* * *

The host for this meeting was acant.

KWLUG Meeting: Monday, Nov 3 2014, 7pm

VirtualBox, libvirt, and KVM

Meeting Date

Khalid Baheyeldin went on an epic journey to set up "The Cloud" in his home, building virtual machines for testing and development.

In this presentation, he shares what he has learned, including the use of virt-install, virsh, virt-top and virt-viewer. His presentation will focus on commandline tools for creating, deploying, and managing virtual machine servers.

Update: Khalid has posted his slides on his website. We have mirrored the slides locally as well.
* * *

The host for this meeting was acant.

File Attachments

Attachment Size
2014-11-03-libvirt-kvm.pdf 216.21 KB

KWLUG Meeting Monday, Oct 6 2014, 7pm

Cloud Storage Shootout

Meeting Date

Bob Jonkman and Jeff Smith will join forces and discuss two "self-hosted" cloud storage options: OwnCloud and the integrated "private cloud" services available on Synology NAS devices.

Video from this presentation is now available:
* * *

The host for this meeting was acant.

Software Freedom Day 2014

Meeting Date

Join us as we celebrate Software Freedom Day.

This year the Kitchener-Waterloo celebrations will feature a number of presentations related to the creation and organization of multimedia, some free culture and free software giveaways, and snacks.

The celebrations will be held at The Working Centre, at 58 Queen Street South and 43 Queen Street South, from 10am-4pm.

For more information check out our wiki page at You can also visit the main Software Freedom Day site.

In addition to attendees, volunteers and sponsors are welcome. Contact sfd at to get in touch.

KWLUG Meeting: Monday, August 11 2014, 7pm


Meeting Date

Khalid Baheyeldin will show us how he uses the OpenWrt router distribution to track bandwidth use in his home. He will show us what tools are available to inspect his network's traffic, how he customized those tools to report usage per device, and how he keeps history by hour, day and month.
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The host for this meeting was acant.

KWLUG Meeting: Monday, July 7 2014, 7pm

Short talks

Meeting Date

NOTE: the High Availability talk has been put on hiatus again. Our apologies for this.

* * *
This month's meeting will consist of some short, informal talks:

- Khalid Baheyeldin will discuss his adventures in getting free HD TV using an antenna.
- Tim Laurence will share "10 reasons Linux sucks!"
- Brian Bentley and Bob Jonkman will share their adventures in evangelizing Linux to the Bits and Bytes Computer Club
- Paul Nijjar will talk about the process of putting together the KWLUG podcast.

Update: Here are slides and slide sources from Paul's talk.
* * *

The host for this meeting was acant.

File Attachments

Attachment Size
2014-07-04-podcasting.pdf 39.61 KB
2014-07-04-podcasting.tgz 18.15 KB

KWLUG Meeting: Monday, June 2, 2014, 7pm


Meeting Date

Tim Laurence will tell us about AppArmor. He writes:

AppArmor promises to provide easy to use application security.

What does it do? How do you bend it to your will? Why should you care?

Tim thinks AppArmor is pretty neat. He will explain what is all about and show just how easy it can be to use.

Update: here are the slides and demofiles from Tim's talk: 2014-06-AppArmorTalk.tgz

* * *

The host for this meeting was acant.

File Attachments

Attachment Size
2014-06-AppArmorTalk.tgz 535.19 KB

KWLUG Meeting: Monday, May 5 2014, 7pm

GNUCash, ledger

Meeting Date

Just in time to miss tax season, this month's meeting will feature two presentations on free-software accounting systems:

- John Kerr and/or Brent Clements will present GnuCash, a graphical double-entry bookkeeping system.

- For those who find GUIs too intimidating, Chris Frey will present ledger, a commandline accounting system that processes text files of your earnings and expenses.

Update: Chris has made his sample ledger file available: 2014-05-demo-ldg.txt (you can rename this to 2014-05-demo.ldg to make it a proper Ledger file).

File Attachments

Attachment Size
2014-05-demo-ldg.txt 9.07 KB