KWLUG Meeting: Monday, Oct 3 2016

Emulating the Tor network

Meeting Date

University of Waterloo graduate student Nik Unger will tell us about his research. He is creating a state-of-the-art emulation platform that aims to emulate the entire Tor network at full scale. Tor is an open-source tool that helps users to stay anonymous online. He will discuss some of the challenges involved, his approach to the problem, why he chose Linux as a platform for it, and specific features of the Linux kernel that enable his work. He will also share some of this project's implementation details.

KWLUG Meeting: Monday, Sept 12, 7pm

Watcamp Calendar, Linux Retention Facility plugin, Raspberry Pi 2 Car Computer, Indieweb

Meeting Date

Unfortunately, the OpenWRT customization presentation is being postponed. It will be rescheduled. Stay tuned.

* * *
This month's meeting will consist of some shorter presentations:

  • Bob Jonkman and Chris Craig will describe the technology and workflow for the incredibly useful WatCamp tech event calendar.
  • Kirk Zurell will show us the Guile module he wrote for managing the key retention facilities built into the kernel (!).
  • Peter Melse will demonstrate his adventures using a Raspberry Pi 2 as a car computer.
  • Andrew Cant will tell us about the Indieweb movement.

KWLUG Meeting: Monday, August 8 2016

Short Presentations and Activities

Meeting Date

This month will be a smorgasboard of short presentations. If you would like to contribute a presentation please contact us.

- John Kerr will show some screencasts he made, and teach us how to make our own.
- Bob Jonkman is organizing a keysigning party. (Instructions for participants)
- Bob B will demonstrate ZBackup.
- Tim Laurence will show us how to identify performance bottlenecks in servers.
- Andrew Cant will demonstrate the static Indyweb.
- Paul Nijjar will give an overview of VLANs: What they are, why they are useful, and how to use them. (Slides, Slide sources)

File Attachments

Attachment Size
2016-08-08-vlans.pdf 2.12 MB
2016-08-vlans-slides.tgz 2.97 MB

KWLUG Meeting: Monday, July 4, 2016, 7pm

Synchronizing mail, calendars and contacts

Meeting Date

Chris Irwin lived a personal experiment to synchronize his mail, with the following goals:

  • Access mail from the commandline
  • Synchronize between hosts, with no information totally local
  • Use standards
  • Minimal annoyance day to day
  • Synchronize with Android

To accomplish this he uses a stew of utilities and libraries: mutt, notmuch, Khard, Khal, Todoman, iSync/MBsync, vdirsyncer, git, CalDav-sync, CardDav-sync, OpenTasks, Baikal and DavMail.

KWLUG Meeting: June 6, 2016, 7pm

Raspberry Pi Projects

Meeting Date

Construction note: Victoria Street is closed between Charles and Weber streets. If you are coming from the West side of Kitchener-Waterloo, you will want to find an alternative route to the building. If you can get to Weber you should be okay.

* * *
Omar Atwa, who is a grade 8 student, created a Raspberry Pi Water Irrigation System for his school's Science Fair. The project incorporates a moisture sensor, an analog to digital converter, and a relay, all driven by a Raspberry Pi to keep soil moist for a plant. He will be walking us through the details of what he did, and how he did it.

Khalid Baheyeldin will demonstrate his new Raspberry Pi development kit, and how he got started:

  • Where to buy a kit?
  • Using NOOBS to install Raspbian Jessie
  • How to turn the Pi into a music player and internet radio player, including controlling it on the command line, from a phone app, and from the web.
  • Writing a Python weather forecast app, including a tiny built-in web server.

Saturday, May 14 2016: Laptop Rescue Mission

Meeting Date

Every so often a group of KWLUGers volunteers to rescue laptops donated to the Computer Recycling project at The Working Centre. For assorted reasons it is not viable for Computer Recycling to spend much time refurbishing these laptops itself, so we sort through them, select ones in reasonable condition, then install Xubuntu on them for resale.

You are invited to come help! You do not need to be a Linux nerd or a hardware genius to participate: if you can use a screwdriver, read numbers and follow instructions then you can be helpful. There will be lots to learn, but you can learn it as you go along. Linux nerds and hardware geniuses are also welcome to participate, of course.

To participate, please RSVP using the Contact Us functionality on this website. Because Computer Recycling is ordinarily closed on Saturdays, you will need special instructions to get into the building.

We will start at around 4pm and end around 8pm, but if you can only come later or have to leave earlier that's fine too.

DEFERRED: Saturday, April 16, 2016: Laptop Rescue Mission

Meeting Date

Due to the organizer being sick and having no stamina, we are deferring this session. Stay tuned to this space for rescheduling details.

Note: This may be the last refurbishing session for a while, so if you have been waiting to participate this is your chance.

Every so often a group of KWLUGers volunteers to rescue laptops donated to the Computer Recycling project at The Working Centre. For assorted reasons it is not viable for Computer Recycling to spend much time refurbishing these laptops itself, so we sort through them, select ones in reasonable condition, then install Xubuntu on them for resale.

You are invited to come help! You do not need to be a Linux nerd or a hardware genius to participate: if you can use a screwdriver, read numbers and follow instructions then you can be helpful. There will be lots to learn, but you can learn it as you go along. Linux nerds and hardware geniuses are also welcome to participate, of course.

To participate, please RSVP using the Contact Us functionality on this website. Because Computer Recycling is ordinarily closed on Saturdays, you will need special instructions to get into the building.

We will start at around 4pm and end around 8pm, but if you can only come later or have to leave earlier that's fine too.

KWLUG Meeting: Monday, April 4 2016, 7pm

Interactive Docker Workshop

Meeting Date

Tim Laurence will lead an interactive tutorial on setting up and using Docker. If you have a laptop, you can bring it and follow along.

Tim has made Docker preparatory materials available at He writes: "Tell people to be prepared or else. ;)" which probably means he is not going to make time at the beginning of the evening for people to get set up.

Saturday March 19, 4pm: Laptop Rescue Mission

Meeting Date

Every so often a group of KWLUGers volunteers to rescue laptops donated to the Computer Recycling project at The Working Centre. For assorted reasons it is not viable for Computer Recycling to spend much time refurbishing these laptops itself, so we sort through them, select ones in reasonable condition, then install Xubuntu on them for resale.

You are invited to come help! You do not need to be a Linux nerd or a hardware genius to participate: if you can use a screwdriver, read numbers and follow instructions then you can be helpful. There will be lots to learn, but you can learn it as you go along. Linux nerds and hardware geniuses are also welcome to participate, of course.

To participate, please RSVP using the Contact Us functionality on this website. Because Computer Recycling is ordinarily closed on Saturdays, you will need special instructions to get into the building.

We will start at around 4pm and end around 8pm, but if you can only come later or have to leave earlier that's fine too.

Saturday, February 20, 4pm: Laptop Rescue Mission

Meeting Date

Every so often a group of KWLUGers volunteers to rescue laptops donated to the Computer Recycling project at The Working Centre. For assorted reasons it is not viable for Computer Recycling to spend much time refurbishing these laptops itself, so we sort through them, select ones in reasonable condition, then install Xubuntu on them for resale.

You are invited to come help! You do not need to be a Linux nerd or a hardware genius to participate: if you can use a screwdriver, read numbers and follow instructions then you can be helpful. There will be lots to learn, but you can learn it as you go along. Linux nerds and hardware geniuses are also welcome to participate, of course.

To participate, please RSVP using the Contact Us functionality on this website. Because Computer Recycling is ordinarily closed on Saturdays, you will need special instructions to get into the building.

We will start at around 4pm and end around 8pm, but if you can only come later or have to leave earlier that's fine too.

Saturday, Jan 30: Conestoga Linux Fest 2016

Meeting Date

Conestoga College is organizing an inaugural Linux Fest. It will feature a variety of speakers.
We will post more information as it becomes available.

It will be held on Saturday, 30 January 2016 from 9:00am-4:00pm in room 1E05 at the Doon Campus of Conestoga College.

Cost: $5.00 at the door


9:30->10:40: Bob Jonkman :: What is Free Software?

10:40->12:00: Randy Kolenko

12:00->1:00: Lunch (Pizza and Coffee :: A programmer's favorite meal)

1:00->2:10: Ed Barsalou :: IOT Talk

2:10-3:20: Colin J. Mills :: LFS Educational?

3:20-4:00: Bob Jonkman :: GNU social -- Participatory Demonstration. Bring your laptop/tablet/phone!

4:00-4:20: Closing remarks.

Organizer: Colin J. Mills (cjm)

Conestoga College, Kitchener Ontario Canada.
2nd Year Software Engineer.

"Don't patch bad code - rewrite it" -- P. J. Plauger

View and download the poster from Flickr! (CC0 by Laurel L. Russwurm)

Saturday, January 16, 4pm: Laptop Repair Session

Meeting Date

Every so often a group of KWLUGers volunteers to rescue laptops donated to the Computer Recycling project at The Working Centre. For assorted reasons it is not viable for Computer Recycling to spend much time refurbishing these laptops itself, so we sort through them, select ones in reasonable condition, then install Xubuntu on them for resale.

You are invited to come help! You do not need to be a Linux nerd or a hardware genius to participate: if you can use a screwdriver, read numbers and follow instructions then you can be helpful. There will be lots to learn, but you can learn it as you go along. Linux nerds and hardware geniuses are also welcome to participate, of course.

To participate, please RSVP using the Contact Us functionality on this website. Because Computer Recycling is ordinarily closed on Saturdays, you will need special instructions to get into the building.

We will start at around 4pm and end around 8pm, but if you can only come later or have to leave earlier that's fine too.

Saturday, December 12, 2015, 4pm: Laptop Rescue Mission

Meeting Date

Every so often a group of KWLUGers volunteers to rescue laptops donated to the Computer Recycling project at The Working Centre. For assorted reasons it is not viable for Computer Recycling to spend much time refurbishing these laptops itself, so we sort through them, select ones in reasonable condition, then install Xubuntu on them for resale.

You are invited to come help! You do not need to be a Linux nerd or a hardware genius to participate: if you can use a screwdriver, read numbers and follow instructions then you can be helpful. There will be lots to learn, but you can learn it as you go along. Linux nerds and hardware geniuses are also welcome to participate, of course.

To participate, please RSVP using the Contact Us functionality on this website. Because Computer Recycling is ordinarily closed on Saturdays, you will need special instructions to get into the building.

We will start at around 4pm and end around 8pm, but if you can only come later or have to leave earlier that's fine too.

KWLUG Meeting: Monday, December 7, 2015, 7pm

GNU Social

Meeting Date

Bob Jonkman will tell us about GNU Social, the federated microblogging platform that started its life as StatusNet. If you bring a wifi-enabled device with you (laptop, phone or tablet) then you will be able to participate in the live demonstration.

UPDATE: Bob has made his presentation slides available.

Saturday, Nov 21, 4pm: Laptop Rescue Mission

Meeting Date

Every so often a group of KWLUGers volunteers to rescue laptops donated to the Computer Recycling project at The Working Centre. For assorted reasons it is not viable for Computer Recycling to spend much time refurbishing these laptops itself, so we sort through them, select ones in reasonable condition, then install Xubuntu on them for resale.

You are invited to come help! You do not need to be a Linux nerd or a hardware genius to participate: if you can use a screwdriver, read numbers and follow instructions then you can be helpful. There will be lots to learn, but you can learn it as you go along. Linux nerds and hardware geniuses are also welcome to participate, of course.

To participate, please RSVP using the Contact Us functionality on this website. Because Computer Recycling is ordinarily closed on Saturdays, you will need special instructions to get into the building.

We will start at around 4pm and end around 8pm, but if you can only come later or have to leave earlier that's fine too.

KWLUG Meeting: Monday, Nov 2 2015,7pm

Sound Editing Tools for Linux

Meeting Date

R. Brent Clements will demonstrate some free software tools for sound creation and editing.

Brent knows his sound. Need a DJ for a dance or a wedding? Putting on a play or a show? Brent's your guy. In addition to being an audio artisan, he is also a free software enthusiast. Over the years he has collected a suite of open source sound tools. In this presentation he will share some of his toolkit, and show how to use free software for podcasting, music recording and/or sound production.