KWLUG Meeting: Monday, May 1, 2023, 7pm

A grassRoots History of Hi-tech in KW, Umbrel

Meeting Date


Update: The meeting is confirmed as being online. 

Kevin Stumpf will share his "anecdotal history of the early technological community in KW from 1920 to 1990". Revisiting an excellent talk he gave a decade ago, he will discuss some of the early companies that put Kitchener-Waterloo on the map, as well as some of the technical innovations in the area. 

2023-01: CiviCRM, Origin Stories

Ian Kelly introduces CiviCRM, a constituent relationship management system. Five KWLUG members - Brent Clements, Jason Eckert, Jason Paul, Aaron Sohl and Andrew Sullivan Cant -- share how they got into Linux and Free Software, and where that interest took them. See for additional information, slides and other auxiliary materials. Note that this audio has had silences clipped.

In-Person Social: Monday, Jan 16, 2023, 7pm

Dinner at McCabe's Kitchener

Meeting Date


The December meetup went well, so some KWLUG members have organized another dinner at McCabe's Irish Pub and Grill in Kitchener, starting at 7pm. This is a supplementary informal meeting; we will still hold virtual meetings for technical topics.

The address is 352 King Street West, Kitchener, ON, near King and Francis streets.

You can probably just show up, but the organizers would find it helpful if you RSVPed to .

KWLUG Meeting: Monday, March 6, 2023, 7pm

Homelab Demo, PrivacySafe

Meeting Date


Jason Paul will give us a tour of his homelab setup.

Mikalai Birukou will give us an update on PrivacySafe. He writes:

PrivacySafe is a client system that uses 3NWeb protocols. We'll demo hopefully production version, which you'll be able to use right away, addressing every privacy concern that you may have by doing things the right way (tm) 😁.      

This meeting has been re-posted and linked elsewhere:

In-Person Social: Monday, Dec 19, 2022, 7pm

Dinner at McCabe's Kitchener

Meeting Date


Some KWLUG members are enthusiastic about getting together in person, and so have organized a dinner meeting at McCabe's Irish Pub and Grill in Kitchener, starting at 7pm. This is a supplementary informal meeting; we will still hold virtual meetings for technical topics.

The address is 352 King Street West, Kitchener, ON, near King and Francis streets.

You can probably just show up, but the organizers would find it helpful if you RSVPed to .

2022-12: SadServers, Visual Studio Code Server

Fernando Duran discusses his sysadmin training project SadServers, and Sean Dalziel demonstrates how to get Visual Studio Code Server running from inside a virtual machine. Unfortunately, the sound quality on the first presentation was not very good; for those who want to skip ahead, the second begins at 00:43:50 . See for additional information, slides and other auxiliary materials. Note that this audio has had silences clipped.

2022-11: Cycling Guide, Bash Autocompletion

David Trueman from CycleWR is joined by Catalin Pop, Amy Colford and Brent Lintner to present Cycling Guide, a route-finding app which uses OpenStreetMap in its backend. John Steel explains how autocompletion works in the Bash shell. See for additional information, slides and other auxiliary materials. Note that this audio has had silences clipped.

KWLUG Meeting: Monday, Feb 6, 2023, 7pm

pfSense, Plan 9

Meeting Date


Important Update: We recently underwent a somewhat involuntary server upgrade for our BigBlueButton instance. For now the meeting link for Monday's meeting remains . However, there is some chance that things will blow up with the upgraded platform, in which case we will make other plans and publish them here. If you cannot get into the meeting on Monday via the usual link then please check this page. 


KWLUG Meeting: Monday December 5, 2022, 7pm

SadServers, Visual Studio Code Server

Meeting Date


Fernando Duran will show off his new service SadServers.

SadServers provides you with interesting Linux admin and SRE(Site Reliability Engineering) problems to solve in the browser. It can be just a fun Capture the Flag challenge, or help practice your skills before an interview.