KWLUG Meeting: Monday, October 7 2019, 7pm

Syncthing, Blockchain

Meeting Date


Sandeep Johri will tell us about how he uses Syncthing to keep his files safe.

Gheorghe Curelet-Balan will tell us about blockchains. He writes:


This talk will introduce the fundamental concepts & features of a blockchain (permanent distributed ledger, transaction & block building, block mining, proof of work, incentives, governance, etc.) in the context of bitcoin's step by step operation.

2019-09: Home Networks, PrivacySafe

Sandeep Johri describes his home network setup. Mikalai Birukou introduces PrivacySafe and 3NWeb, which allow you to run secure private servers in your home. See for additional information, slides and other auxiliary materials. Unfortunately, the audio quality is terrible this podcast -- the microphone kept cutting out.

2019-07: Docker Swarm, Life in a Terminal Window

Mikalai Birukou discusses Docker and Docker Swarm. Paul Nijjar discusses terminal window applications. See for additional information, slides and other auxiliary materials. Note that this audio has had silences clipped. Also, the recorder stopped recording unexpectedly a couple of times, so we lost several minutes of audio.

KWLUG Meeting: Monday, November 4, 2019, 7pm

Beginner Git, Matrix

Meeting Date


Paul Nijjar will give a conceptual, high-level overview of how to use git, with the end goal of making a pull request on a Gitlab/Github project. This presentation will be beginner-friendly.

Hubert Chathi is a developer for Matrix, a real-time communications protocol.that supports end-to-end encrypted decentralized communication. Hubert will tell us about the project and some of its features.

KWLUG Meeting: Monday, July 8, 2019, 7pm

Docker Swarm, Life in a Terminal Window

Meeting Date


Mikalai Birukou will tell us about Docker Swarm, a native clustering system for Docker.

Paul Nijjar has an old and slow computer, so lives his life in a terminal window as much as possible. He will describe some of the end-user applications he uses in this interface, including: web surfing, playing multimedia files, reading news, notetaking, and more. This presentation is beginner-friendly.