KWLUG Meeting: Monday, July 9 2018, 7pm

Qubes OS, Automated Sprinkler System

Meeting Date


Benjamin Turnbull will tell us about Qubes OS, a "reasonably secure operating system".

Tim Laurence automated the watering system for his garden using a Raspberry Pi. He will tell us how he did it. This will be a beginner-friendly presentation. 

2018-05: Backups, Mail-in-a-Box

Khalid Baheyeldin discusses his backup strategies using dump, and Colin Knapp discusses Mail-in-a-Box. See for additional information, slides and other auxiliary materials. Note that this audio has had silences clipped.

KWLUG Meeting: Monday, Nov 5 2018, 7pm

Assessing Websites for Vulnerabilities, Linux in Virtual Machines

Meeting Date


Mark Steffen will demonstrate how to detect compromised sites using tools such as Burp Suite, Nikto and Vega.

Jim Kelsh will offer a beginner-friendly presentation on running Linux in a virtual machine, using Windows 10 as the host operating system.

KWLUG Meeting: Monday, September 10, 2018, 7pm

GitLab, Swap Meet

Meeting Date


Colin Knapp will update us on GitLab, the "open core" Git-repository manager. He calls his presentation "Creating Problems to Solve Problems in GitLab". Some of the topics he will cover include:

KWLUG Meeting: Monday, August 13 2018, 7pm

High Availability, Life as a Debian Developer

Meeting Date


Note: This meeting will be held at a new location, the Google Community Space. Future meetings will be held at the usual location.

Also Note: Due to illness, James Kelsh will have to delay his presentation. He will reschedule.

2018-03: Laptop Installation, Kubernetes

Jim Kelsh demonstrates how to install Linux, and Charlie Drage talks about his work with Kubernetes, Kompose, and Kedge. See for additional information, slides and other auxiliary materials.

2018-02: Elasticsearch and Twitter

Mary Loubele leads a hands-on workshop about installing Elasticsearch and using it to analyse Twitter data. See for additional information, slides and other auxiliary materials. Note that this audio has had silences clipped.

KWLUG Meeting: Monday, October 1 2018, 7pm

Programming Microcontrollers

Meeting Date


Khalid Baheyeldin has been playing with inexpensive Wifi and Bluetooth enabled microcontrollers. These can be programmed using the Arduino IDE or Micropython (which runs on the chip instead of an operating system). He  will tell us about the Internet of Things (IoT) and how to use such microcontrollers to interface devices to things like home automation packages (e.g. Home Assistant), and much more.