The KWLUG Audio podcast records our monthly meetings. You can listen to the podcast from this page, download episodes individually, or subscribe to one of our feeds:

All three of the above feeds represent the same content. You only need to subscribe to one.

We do not guarantee that every meeting will be recorded. Some presenters may prefer not to be recorded. Sometimes there are technical glitches. Sometimes other bad things happen.

Some of our presentations are also recorded on video. See to see these.

2019-04: Proxmox, OpenVAS, NixOS

Bob B discusses the virtualization distribution Proxmox, and the vulnerability scanner OpenVAS. Victor Kofia discusses the Nix programming language, the Nix package manager and the NixOS distribution. Unfortunately, once again we had some A/V issues during the meeting: the recording of the end of Bob's presentation got cut off, and Victor had projector issues. See for additional information, slides and other auxiliary materials.

2019-03: UEFI, Pop!_OS

Chris Irwin presents UEFI (the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) and Jason Eckert discusses Pop!_OS, an Ubuntu remix focusing on developer productivity. Unfortunately, Jason's microphone cut out halfway through his presentation, so we lost a lot of audio. See for additional information, slides and other auxiliary materials.

2019-02: Bottleneck Detection, Hardware Emulators

Tim Laurence discusses tools to identify operating system bottlenecks. Brent Clements demonstrates a variety of hardware emulators. See for additional information, slides and other auxiliary materials. Note that this audio has had silences clipped.

2019-01: i3 Tiling Window Manager, Windows Subsystem for Linux

Lanny Cox discusses tiling window managers in general and i3 in particular; Jason Eckert discusses the Windows Subsystem for Linux. See for additional information, slides and other auxiliary materials. Note that this audio has had silences clipped.

2018-12: LXD, SSH Foo

Mikalai Birokou talks about containerization and LXD. Jason Eckert illustrates fun things you can do with SSH. See for additional information, slides and other auxiliary materials. Unfortunately we had technical difficulties recording audio for this podcast, so the first part of the LXD presentation was cut off.

2018-10: Microcontrollers, Home Automation

Khalid Baheyeldin discusses microcontrollers in the Arduino ecosystem, Micropython and cloud-free home automation with Home Assistant. See for additional information, slides and other auxiliary materials.

2018-08: Debian Development, High-Availability

Hubert Chathi discusses the structure of the Debian project, and Madison Kelly gives a high-level overview of high-availability and intelligent availability computing. See for additional information, slides and other auxiliary materials.