The KWLUG Audio podcast records our monthly meetings. You can listen to the podcast from this page, download episodes individually, or subscribe to one of our feeds:

All three of the above feeds represent the same content. You only need to subscribe to one.

We do not guarantee that every meeting will be recorded. Some presenters may prefer not to be recorded. Sometimes there are technical glitches. Sometimes other bad things happen.

Some of our presentations are also recorded on video. See to see these.

2020-03: Audacity, Saltstack

Brent Clements demonstrates techniques in the sound editor Audacity. Mikalai Birukou introduces the Salt configuration management tool. See for additional information, slides and other auxiliary materials. Note that this audio has had silences clipped.

2020-02: USBIP, Ask Us Anything

Tim Laurence presents the USBIP system for sharing USB devices over TCP/IP networks, and the management console Quartermaster. We have a discussion about getting involved in open source, and email. See for additional information, slides and other auxiliary materials. Note that this audio has had silences clipped, and that much of the roundtable discussion was cut off.

2019-12: Computer Vision, Systemd

Chris Blasko gives an introduction to computer vision and object recognition. Nathan Fish explains systemd. See for additional information, slides and other auxiliary materials. Note that this audio has had silences clipped.

2019-10: Syncthing, Blockchains

Sandeep Johri tells us about Syncthing and how he uses it. Gheorghe Curelet-Balan discusses Bitcoin and blockchains. See for additional information, slides and other auxiliary materials. Note that this audio has had silences clipped.

2019-09: Home Networks, PrivacySafe

Sandeep Johri describes his home network setup. Mikalai Birukou introduces PrivacySafe and 3NWeb, which allow you to run secure private servers in your home. See for additional information, slides and other auxiliary materials. Unfortunately, the audio quality is terrible this podcast -- the microphone kept cutting out.

2019-07: Docker Swarm, Life in a Terminal Window

Mikalai Birukou discusses Docker and Docker Swarm. Paul Nijjar discusses terminal window applications. See for additional information, slides and other auxiliary materials. Note that this audio has had silences clipped. Also, the recorder stopped recording unexpectedly a couple of times, so we lost several minutes of audio.