KWLUG Meeting: Monday, Sept 14, 2020, 7pm

GamerOS , Online Voting

Meeting Date


Update 2: Unfortunately, Mikalai had a last-minute emergency and could not present his online voting presentation this month.

Update: the meeting url will be . There will be no passcode.

Alesh Slovak will introduce GamerOS, a Linux distro that provides an "out of the box couch gaming experience." Find out what GamerOS is, what makes it unique, and why Alesh committed the mortal sin of creating his own Linux distribution.

Mikalai Birukou will talk about some workshopping he has done around online voting. He writes:

Tech can change distribution of power. Online voting is usually developed onlyas a convenience for voters, but we can do more. I will present a design that shifts power to voters by letting every voter to count votes. My device counts votes, your device counts votes, and we the people come to consensus.