KWLUG - The Kitchener-Waterloo Linux User Group is a monthly meeting of GNU/Linux, Free Software, Open Source and technology enthusiasts.

Where? When? We meet in Kitchener, Ontario, usually on the first (non-holiday) Monday of the month, beginning at 7pm. (Virtual Directions) (Subscribe to monthly meeting announcements)

How much? Our meetings are free of charge and open to anybody with an interest in Linux and/or free software.

What next?

KWLUG Meeting: Monday, Sept 9, 2024, 7pm

YouTube Download Tools, Mosquitto

Meeting Date

Sam Zhang will follow up his July presentation on download managers with a discussion about video downloading tools. He will cover the death of youtube-dl, the rise of yt-dlp, as well as commandline usage and configuration for these tools.

Gordon Dey will tell us about his journey of getting a transceiver working with the MQTT publish/subscribe server Mosquitto


In-Person Social: Wednesday, Sept 25, 2024, 7pm

Dinner at Crabby Joe's, Downtown Kitchener

Meeting Date

We are continuing the dinner meetup tradition at Crabby Joe's in downtown Kitchener, starting at 7pm. Note that this restaurant meeting is on a Wednesday.

This is a supplementary informal meeting; we will still hold hybrid meetings for technical topics.

The restaurant is located at 70 King St E in Kitchener, at the corner of King and Frederick St. Here is a map

You can park in the restaurant parking lot -- staff will give you a voucher for parking. Otherwise, parking at City of Kitchener parking lots is free after 5pm. The nearest City parking lots are at 40 Ontario St S, or 5 Charles St E.

You can probably just show up, but the organizers would find it helpful if you RSVPed to 

KWLUG Meeting: Monday, October 7, 2024, 7pm

Proxmox + 1 more

Meeting Date

Colin_ will discuss the virtualization platform Proxmox. He writes:

In this demonstration, I'll show how to set up a Proxmox cluster with High Availability using a stack of older Mac Minis, a Raspberry Pi, and a network switch. The presentation will highlight Proxmox's simplicity and reliability in a simulated home network environment, providing insights into its practical applications and benefits.