The KWLUG Audio podcast records our monthly meetings. You can listen to the podcast from this page, download episodes individually, or subscribe to one of our feeds:

All three of the above feeds represent the same content. You only need to subscribe to one.

We do not guarantee that every meeting will be recorded. Some presenters may prefer not to be recorded. Sometimes there are technical glitches. Sometimes other bad things happen.

Some of our presentations are also recorded on video. See to see these.

2017-09: Ruin Your Life with Shell Scripts, JOSM

Tim Laurence tells us how to ruin our lives with shell scripts, and Andrew Cant tells us how to map buildings in JOSM. See for additional information, slides and other auxiliary materials. Note that this audio has had silences clipped.

2017-04: OSSIM, A Brief History of Linux and Open Source

Mark Steffen discusses OSSIM, an open source intrusion detection and event correlation system. Jason Eckert presents a brief history of Linux and Open Source Software. See for additional information, slides and other auxiliary materials.