The KWLUG Audio podcast records our monthly meetings. You can listen to the podcast from this page, download episodes individually, or subscribe to one of our feeds:

All three of the above feeds represent the same content. You only need to subscribe to one.

We do not guarantee that every meeting will be recorded. Some presenters may prefer not to be recorded. Sometimes there are technical glitches. Sometimes other bad things happen.

Some of our presentations are also recorded on video. See to see these.

2015-01 Part 2: Licensing

This is part 2 of the January 2015 meeting. In this talk, Nathan Fish discusses licensing. Note that there was a lot of in-audience discussion during this talk, which the microphone not pick up well, so some of the audio quality is worse than usual. Sorry for that. See for Nathan's presentation slides.

2015-01 Part 1: Flashing an Android Tablet with OmniROM

This is part 1 of the January 2015 meeting. In this talk, Khalid Baheyeldin walks us through the process of flashing his Acer Iconia A500 tablet, a free software distribution of Android. See for his presentation slides.

2014-09 Software Freedom Day 2014: Open Access Publishing, Municipal Open Data

This episode was recorded during the Kitchener-Waterloo Software Freedom Day celebrations. Andrew McAlorum from the University of Waterloo discusses Open Access Publishing. Oriana Sharp from the Region of Waterloo and Mike Bolger from the City of Kitchener discuss Open Data initiatives at their municipalities.

2014-09 Software Freedom Day 2014: FLOSS for Fun and Profit

This episode was recorded during the Kitchener-Waterloo Software Freedom Day celebrations. Khalid Baheyeldin discusses "Open Source for Fun and Profit", including how he makes a living as a Drupal consultant.