KWLUG Meeting: Monday, November 7 2011
Meeting Date
We have two presentations lined up for this month.
Rodrigo Gonzalez will give us a short presentation on "Free Software in the Developing World". This may turn into a series of short presentations on free software adoption in different geographic areas.
Raul Suarez will give a talk on batch editing tools. He writes:
GUI Video editors are great for one-offs but very time comsuming when you need to repeat the same video process to multiple videos.
There are several very powerful free software command line utilities that can be used for scripting those repetitive tasks.
I started investigating using them to edit my presentation videos consistently and, althogh I found that the learning curve is steep, one can start with cookie cutter recipies and evolve from there.
In this presentation I will go through some of those recipies using mainly mencoder, ffmpeg, imageMagick and a few other tools I've found along the way.