Remote Collaboration: A successful presentation

It seems that the time was well spent preparing this presentation. I had an awesome and engaged audience that kept with me through out the presentation, even while we were trying to sort the technical limitations of the physical space.

Unfortunately it seems that the webcast wasn't as successful due to the limited bandwidth at the meeting location. Next time I'll use plan B.

If you logged in remotely, please let me know how was your experience. was the sound good? was the screen choppy? What would you like to see for next time?

I guess the same questions go to the people that were at the presentation. I you have suggestions on how the presentation could've been better, please let me know even through the list or to my email if you prefer direct communication. I'd really appreciate the feedback.

As promised, I've uploaded the presentation slides to the meeting invitation.

In future posts I will write down the tutorials for the tools I used. I'm right now too tired and going to bed.

Thank you to all the people that came to the presentation, that is really what makes it worthwhile.