Drupal 8 Website Transition Issues Page
There is a testing version of the new KWLUG website available at https://d8.kwlug.org . Please explore the new website and report issues using the Contact Us page.
What Should Work
- Meetings, blog, podcasts, vidcasts and other content all have been transferred.
- Meeting and presentation nodes have been merged.
- All old links to nodes should work (via redirects in the case of presentations).
- Attachments should work (but all attachments are visible, which is different).
- Menus are set up and should work on mobile and desktop displays
- Many podcasts/vidcasts are associated with their meeting nodes (please report incorrect or missing associations).
- If you block Javascript from most sites (notably Cloudflare) but not kwlug.org, your menu will be expanded. (will not fix, probably).
What Does Not Work (Yet)
- For logged in users, the admin toolbar does not work in Midori
- Meeting locations from May 2007 to June 2009 need to be checked
What Has Been Fixed
Fixed in production
- Laptop Rescue Missions show up as being held at 7pm, not 4pm (we will fix this in the final version)
- The "Other Places to Find Us" block is missing (we will recreate it in the final version)
- Links on the "mailing lists" page are broken (we will fix this when the mailing lists are migrated)
Fixed in rc1
- Old RSS feeds on the current site need to be redirected to new ones
- Maybe the site shows up blank in Firefox for Android? We need confirmation reports of this. (Confirmed that this works. Thanks Khalid and Chris.)
- The site is not SSL by default?
Fixed in alpha 2
- When Javascript is turned off the menu is fully expanded.
- On Internet Explorer 11, the logo is stretched out. (Oh IE. Never change.)
- Changed the colour of the bikeshed (site background) to make it darker blue
Feature Requests
- KWLUG Planet of associated bloggers (waiting for more KWLUG members to sign up)
- iCal feeds for meetings (waiting for Drupal 8 iCal support to improve).
- Organizational pages accessible to meeting organizers only
Site Goals
- Making the site mobile-friendly.
- Reorganize the site to make it easier to find the information people care about.
- Focus on meetings as the central organizing force, associating information like podcasts and vidcasts with their meeting pages.
- Reduce the use of the website as a multi-user portal of content creation. People can still use KWLUG as a blogging platform if they want, but so few people used this functionality it is not helpful to keep it as central functionality.
- For security reasons, only provide accounts to people actively creating content for the site.
- Preserve as much historical information as feasible, because some of the old content is interesting to look at years later.
- Keep all user accounts of those who have created content; get rid of all others (most of whom were spam).