Notes for website users
Here are a few notes for those who wish to log into the website.
You do not need a website login to access most (all?) content. You want a login if:
- You are organizing meetings and need to create meeting agendas, podcast/vidcast links, etc.
- You are doing website administration.
- You feel a pressing need to use KWLUG's website as a blog.
To get access to the website, talk to one of the meeting organizers or website admins at a meeting or via e-mail. Not everybody gets website access.
To log in, use the Drupal login link at .
To add content, use the "Shortcuts" link you see when you log in. There should be a shortcut to "Add content".
To log out, click on your username in the top bar, and click "Log out".
Be sure to use the correct "Page Category" setting when creating content. For some content types (agendas, podcasts) this is filled for you. For others you need to set the category explicitly (vidcasts, blog posts).
If you do not like the WYSIWYG editor you can change the text format from "Basic HTML" to "Restricted HTML".