[kwlug-disc] possible presentation ideas

Chris Irwin chris at chrisirwin.ca
Sun Dec 16 04:50:56 EST 2018

On Fri, Dec 14, 2018 at 09:45:31PM -0500, tomg at sentex.ca wrote:
>How GRUB works and what the difference between installing it
>and updating it is, especially, differences from LILO or rEFInd.
>How (U)EFI works.
>How GUID partition tables work on Linux.

I think UEFI & GPT would go well together, as they are related to each 

I've spent enough time (both privately and professionally) mucking about 
with disks, partitions, bios and uefi bootloaders that I can take on 
these topics.

Probably a half-session for the basics of what and how (and some 
efibootmgr fun), or a whole-session for more depth (how it got to be 
like this, touching on secure boot, and brief notes on GRUB and rEFInd).

That said, while I find it fascinating and useful, a full night of 
partitions and bootloaders might be too much...

Chris Irwin

email:   chris at chrisirwin.ca
 xmpp:   chris at chrisirwin.ca
  web: https://chrisirwin.ca

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