[kwlug-disc] It pays to check your plan

Bob Jonkman bjonkman at sobac.com
Wed Oct 4 19:52:19 EDT 2017

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Andrew Kohlsmith wrote:

> The last mile is owned by Rogers or Bell. There is no getting
> around it.

Wireless meshnet.

At one time (2001?) there was Waterloo Wireless, one of the first
organizations to set up a wireless peer-to-peer mesh network. There's
no sign of their website today, but it had instructions for building
cantennas from Pringles cans...

I think Toronto Freenet may still have some WiFi access points
suitable for meshnets...

And there was a Vancouver company that was selling small, outdoor WiFi
access points with built-in firmware for creating a meshnet. Things
were about the size and shape of an ostrich egg.  No sign of them in
the Internets either.

But there's http://libremesh.org/ which I found by searching for a
different OpenWRT-based meshnet, which I thought was called

- --Bob.

On 2017-10-04 06:22 PM, Andrew Kohlsmith (mailing lists account) wrote:
>> On Oct 4, 2017, at 5:25 PM, Dave Cramer <davecramer at gmail.com>
>> wrote: I'm wondering how this might be possible? Seems like
>> carrytel is just reselling rogers?
> The last mile is owned by Rogers or Bell. There is no getting
> around it.  Anyone who is offering DSL or Cable is using the
> infrastructure of the incumbent.
> That’s why it’s my firm belief that these carriers must be broken
> up along this fault line (the last mile) — the last mile providers
> should not be allowed to sell to consumers, and the network
> companies must buy last mile circuits should not be allowed to own
> or operate last mile infrastructure. I definitely do *not* want the
> last mile nationalized; the surest way to eff-up Internet in Canada
> is to get the government involved in high technology.
> That would finally put Bell and Rogers (the internet provider
> companies) on equal and fair footing with the Teksavvys and the
> VMedias and the CarryTel’s and finally give us some real
> competition in this space. I have similar feelings toward cellular
> service and how it should be split up to allow real competition.
> -A.
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- -- 
Bob Jonkman <bjonkman at sobac.com>          Phone: +1-519-635-9413
SOBAC Microcomputer Services             http://sobac.com/sobac/
Software   ---   Office & Business Automation   ---   Consulting
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