[kwlug-disc] KWLUG vps server

Mark Steffen rmarksteffen at gmail.com
Fri Mar 24 21:04:03 EDT 2017

If there is any interest/usecases for one, I can donate a VPS of any
reasonable size to KWLUG.  Someone would also need to volunteer to at least
ensure basic maintenance (or script cronjobs to do apt-get update/upgrade
or yum update etc).

A VPS can do lots of things being just regular webhosting type stuff. XMPP
server, or all kinds of different things (an owncloud share for example).

Any ideas/interest in this?

*Mark Steffen*
Office Direct: +1.226.476.1240 | Mobile/WhatsApp: +1.226.600.0464
*"Don't believe everything you read on the Internet." -Abraham Lincoln*
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