[kwlug-disc] KWLUG vps server

Bob Jonkman bjonkman at sobac.com
Sat Mar 25 12:50:08 EDT 2017

Hash: SHA1

I've been wanting to set up a KWLUG GNUsocial instance. It would only
be one Web-based app, so it wouldn't completely consume a VPS. If
someone is willing to help with the VPS maintenance I'll gladly help
set up a GS instance.

There's a @KWLUG GNUsocial account at http://sn.jonkman.ca/kwlug right
now, but it would carry much more authority if it were actually hosted
on a gs.kwlug.org domain. And while I'm happy to invite other
KWLUGgers to my GS instance I doubt many people will want to be
attached to a domain named "jonkman".

I wouldn't mind setting up a KWLUG Nextcloud instance too. That'll get
us the calendaring service that Drupal is currently lacking.

- --Bob.

On 2017-03-24 09:04 PM, Mark Steffen wrote:
> If there is any interest/usecases for one, I can donate a VPS of
> any reasonable size to KWLUG.  Someone would also need to volunteer
> to at least ensure basic maintenance (or script cronjobs to do
> apt-get update/upgrade or yum update etc).
> A VPS can do lots of things being just regular webhosting type
> stuff. XMPP server, or all kinds of different things (an owncloud
> share for example).
> Any ideas/interest in this?
> *Mark Steffen* Office Direct: +1.226.476.1240 | Mobile/WhatsApp:
> +1.226.600.0464 *"Don't believe everything you read on the
> Internet." -Abraham Lincoln*
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- -- 

Bob Jonkman <bjonkman at sobac.com>          Phone: +1-519-635-9413
SOBAC Microcomputer Services             http://sobac.com/sobac/
Software   ---   Office & Business Automation   ---   Consulting
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