[kwlug-disc] Organizing: Transparent or secure?

Bob Jonkman bjonkman at sobac.com
Fri Mar 3 18:16:16 EST 2017

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I'm an "Open Everything To The World" kinda guy. Maybe don't publish
organizational info on the front page of the website, but don't
require logins to read it either. Do require logins to make
Adds/Changes/Deletions, which should keep the griefers out (and don't
have self-registration, but require an "ask" by e-mail or comment).
I'm OK with my name and e-mail addressed being published on the
Internet, but I know that's not for everybody.

I was participating in the Kanban board, and I think it's still worth
some effort. I've just been a bit too busy lately to spend much time
on it. http://todo.kwlug.org/dashboard

- --Bob.

On 2017-03-03 03:35 PM, Paul Nijjar via kwlug-disc wrote:
> I am struggling with a philosophical decision about organizing 
> meetings and doing administrative tasks within KWLUG.
> I have a secret list of organizing materials:
> - People who have offered to give presentations but have not
> scheduled things yet. - People who have volunteered to do things. -
> Instructions on how I do the various tasks for organizing. -
> Possible future meeting locations, including pros/cons of
> different sites.
> As other people take on these roles it is becoming more apparent
> that I need to share these materials out somehow. The Kanban was
> one attempt. Another might be to have some simple organizing pages
> on the new website.
> The question: Should these pages be open to everybody or should
> they be restricted to organizers only? Technologically either is
> possible (although restricting pages is a bit irritating).
> My ideological side says that everything should be open to
> everybody. At most I am willing to compromise by not publishing
> email addresses publicly.
> My paranoid side wants to lock down everything so that griefers do
> not get in. At most I am willing to compromise by admitting the
> existence of these pages.
> Some of you are people who have promised presentations in the
> past. Would you feel uncomfortable if this was on the website
> (maybe hidden away a little -- there would not be a new menu item
> for this)?
> Some of you have volunteered to do things. Should these identities
> be revealed?
> I could go either way on this, but if there is a community
> consensus then that is probably the way to go.

- -- 

- --
Bob Jonkman <bjonkman at sobac.com>          Phone: +1-519-635-9413
SOBAC Microcomputer Services             http://sobac.com/sobac/
Software   ---   Office & Business Automation   ---   Consulting
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