[kwlug-disc] The Future of Linux User Groups with Stefano Maffulli of OSI

Ronald Barnes ron at ronaldbarnes.ca
Mon Mar 11 17:06:08 EDT 2024

Jason Eckert wrote on 2024-03-10 19:05:

> One (California?) mentioned that they had excellent attendance mainly 
> because they did it in-person only and recording was not allowed (which 
> they believe encouraged participation for fear of missing out, and 
> encouraged speakers to talk since many didn't want that).
> Another one mentioned that they used library space and catered primarily 
> to newcomers (very much like the old InstallFest days).

I missed the meeting myself, only attended the follow-up.

I can't think of any group from California that meet in-person, except 
Cabal (which is hybrid).  Maybe Vancouver's VanLUG?

I doubt VanLUG have great attendance, but could be wrong.

Refusing to hold online meetings throughout the pandemic was a missed 
opportunity and a poor decision.

There's next to no chatter on their mailing list, which makes it seem 
less than vibrant. Maybe a core group (clique) of board members get 
together and call that excellent turnout.

VanLUG are also doing install fests at the downtown library branch.

It's admirable that they're putting in some effort, but it's 
questionable how many people this serves in the 2020s.

In the 1990s & 2000s it was probably pretty effective though.

St Louis has several intertwined groups of overlapping membership, which 
gives them an excuse to hold an online meeting every week for a 
different subgroup.

That really seems to have built and maintained a strong and active 

My 2¢


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