[kwlug-disc] What is all this about systemd?

Khalid Baheyeldin kb at 2bits.com
Thu Jul 17 20:34:08 EDT 2014

Anyone can propose anything, no matter how absurd it is. If the FLOS (one
S) people including Lennart Poettering want to build monolithic subsystems,
that is fine. Let them do their thing. Others like me and you who find the
standard UNIX way better can ignore them and go about their business

But when these monolithic systems creep into almost every distribution,
including Debian and Ubuntu, then it is not someone we can ignore, even if
we want to.  It is being shoved down our throats.

Linus Torvalds had to stop accepting patches from the systemd maintainer,
and shout at him, because back in April because of this very monolithic

I hope that sanity finds its way eventually, and we don't end up with
systemd being the only choice, with many things depending on it ...

On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 8:25 PM, unsolicited <unsolicited at swiz.ca> wrote:

> That's disturbing.
> Guess my bubble that *nix is *nix burst with CentOS vs Debian. Got worse
> with OpenSuSe. I like the phrase in the article ... "It’s a UNIX system! I
> know this!." Not so much, it turns out. One of the reasons I got so very
> tired of Windows was the moving target. Stop making me relearn what I
> already know, and let me get on with my day. I know how to use the hammer,
> let me get on with doing something useful with it. Stop handing me a
> different hammer.
> The recent thread here of "Switching Jobs from Debian Shop to RHEL?" just
> re-demonstrates all of this.
> The deal breaker for me is su vs sudo. sudo assumes there is more than one
> admin per machine, and allows the logging / tracking based on that userid.
> su takes that away, and forces the sharing / common root password across
> the organization. <sad>
> Not to start a flamewar here.
> On 14-07-17 05:51 PM, Khalid Baheyeldin wrote:
>> If you are like me, and watching the creeping up of systemd (e.g. Debian
>> voting for it, and Ubuntu following), and dreading it ...
>> Here is an article why systemd is a concern, and the FLOS (one S!)
>> philosophy behind it ...
>> http://pappp.net/?p=969
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Khalid M. Baheyeldin
2bits.com, Inc.
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