[kwlug-announce] Meeting Monday, 7pm: Zubick's Scrap App, Debug::Hooks (June 2023)

Paul Nijjar paul_nijjar at yahoo.ca
Fri Jun 2 08:43:35 EDT 2023

Here we are in June, and it's time for some programming. Our
presentations this month are an interesting juxtaposition of two
people on fairly different places in their programming journey. 

First up, John Driezen will tell us about his first major project in
Python -- an application to track scrap metal prices. (The backstory
behind this is pretty interesting too.) John is fairly new to Python,
and will share some of the components he put together for his GTK3
app, as well as some successes and challenges along the way. I have
seen a practice run of this talk and can affirm that it provides neat
insights into starting one's programming journey. (You may remember
that John was scheduled to present a few months ago but had to cancel,
so it is good we have him now.)

Following that will be a presentation from new KWLUG member Eugen
Konkov, who will show us a few things about debugging in Perl. The
twist is that Eugen wrote this Perl debugger himself! He will show us
how the debugger works and some of the neat features it has that makes
it stand out beyond the standard debugger. 

We also have a June restaurant meetup scheduled for Wednesday, June
14, at McCabe's. If you would like to take part, RSVP to
dinner at kwlug.org . See details here: https://kwlug.org/node/1331 .

We are still looking for a new physical meeting space. Thanks to some
intrepid KWLUG members we have a couple of possibilities (and may well
end up choosing one of them) but we are still looking for other
options. If you know of something (or would be willing to help with
the search) please get in touch via email or the contact page on
kwlug.org . 

Meanwhile, this month's meeting will continue to be held virtually:


All are welcome. The virtual doors open around 6:45pm or so, and the
meeting begins at 7pm.

- Paul
Events: https://feeds.off-topic.kwlug.org 
Housing: https://unionsd.coop
Blog: http://pnijjar.freeshell.org

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