Bill C-32 Analysis
Here is a page where we can analyze Bill C-32 and come up with responses to it for our MPs.
Please help improve it by editing it.
- : The full text of the bill.
- : Annotated version
- : Comparision between C-61 (the old bill) and C-32
- : Find your member of parliament.
-,com_docman/task,doc_download/gid,32/ : A PDF file from Michael Geist that addresses 32 questions about C-32.
- The form letter you get when you write in about C-32, according to Michael Geist
- interesting (and mostly unfriendly to anti-DRM arguments) thought experiment.
- Article from Lawyer's Weekly: largely negative on TPMs, and speculates that they may not stand under Canadian law
- "Magic Seals are Made to be Broken", pretty accessible Globe and Mail opinion piece.
Here are some public statements on C-32:
- George Geczy of BattleGoat Studios, an indpendent video game company. This is a thorough and well-written rebuttal of many of the claims made by C-32.
- Coalition for Balanced Copyright, a group made of major businesses like Cogeco, Google, Bell. They like some parts of the bill, and are against copying levies on devices.
- Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada. They like the educational exceptions and worry about TPMs.
- Canadian Library Association. Against TPMs.
- Canadian Music Creators' Coalition. About 200 Canadian artists, including some big names. They mostly ignore digital locks and focus on the anti-sharing elements.
- Canadian Artists Representation. Does not like fair dealing, likes parody exceptions. Not much to say about TPMs.
- Retail Council of Canada briefly mentions digital locks.
- Access Copyright, which hates the fair dealing extensions for education.
TO ADD: Search Engine, Spark, CBC coverage. James Moore "extremist radicals" comment.
Why Digital Locks are Bad
Here are some thoughts originally floated by John van Ostrand:
Let me float these ideas around. Do they make sense?
Digital lock anti-circumvention laws are bad because:
- They allow corporate interest to supersede the rights of licensees granted in the Copyright Act and patent law,
- They allow content holders to extent copyright life, or apply restrictions to public domain content,
- A digital lock is forever, A company can extract royalties for the rights to access protected content for ever.
- Because material with digital locks applied is treated differently than material without, the law creates two kinds of copyright.
- They provide a way for business to more easily obtain a monopoly on a technology,
- Business will abuse the law in many ways to prevent competition or
circumvent other laws or rights,
- Business will abuse the law in many ways to prevent competition or
- They encourage the use if inferior encryption technology,
- Why use a suitable technology when the law can be applied to simple and
easy to break locking schemes, - Why is a "don't copy this!" statement not enough of a "digital lock" to fall under this law? (pnijjar)
- Why use a suitable technology when the law can be applied to simple and
- They prevent free development of software,
- Linux, used by all sizes of business, will be less powerful and less able
to compete, - Open source software can be ported to platforms that don't have the market share for official support (e.g. Minix 3, FreeBSD). Proprietary solutions are supported at the whim of the vendor. (pnijjar)
- Linux, used by all sizes of business, will be less powerful and less able
- They are bad for local economies,
- If forced to migrate from Linux and open source software, money for licenses and support will be sent to foreign companies, instead of local companies,
- Local software developers whose products access protected content will have to pay royalties forever (beyond patent and copyright laws) to technology owners,
- They can hold my own content hostage,
- Digital locks on proprietary binary formats may be enforce on content like
word processing documents, databases, or other data files making my own content
a hostage of the software vendor. - Can I break a digital lock to try to recover my data from a corrupt file?
- Digital locks on proprietary binary formats may be enforce on content like
Outstanding Questions
These questions need answers. Please answer them with your research.
- Is the blank CD/DVD levy still in effect? How much is it? Was there really a court case that said that the levy made p2p file sharing legal? What court case was it? Is that court case still in effect?
- Under this legislation are all open source implementations of DVD players necessarily illegal?
- Can I break a lock on a digitally-locked file that contains content I generated?
Why Security Researchers Should Not Need to Inform Their Subjects Beforehand
This article from the Wall Street Journal documents Cisco harassing Michael Lynn, a security researcher who found vulnerabilities in IOS. Bruce Schneier analyzed the situation and concludes that such shenanigans make our products more insecure.
The following people contributed to this document: Ralph Janke, John van Ostrand, Colin Mackay