[kwlug-disc] Survey on questions for legislature/gov by openmedia

Mikalai Birukou mb at 3nsoft.com
Thu Jan 21 10:18:35 EST 2021

> Let me urge you to check out the following survey by openmedia in 
> context of input to government: 
> https://action.openmedia.org/page/74008/survey/1
> What stands out to me are questions, and I assume debates in 
> legislature(?) about:
>  - use of "AI", or neural nets into decisions of which we have no 
> introspection;
>  - a right to ask for human to look into your question, that has been 
> decided by aforementioned "AI";
>  - usage of public media to make decisions about you. Chinese social 
> score system comes to mind, when it is fed by you blog posts. Today's 
> Belarus comes to mind, where you loose you job, when you post 
> something not to liking of government. Is there a big co lurking in 
> Ottawa halls with a suggestion to use AI, fed from some social 
> networks, mostly used in this hemisphere? 

A thought in light of another post about cross-correlation of "publicly 
available" info, done by third party. I want to remind that your ability 
to correct information with Equifax-like credit info companies comes 
from some legislation/regulation. Is my recollection correct?

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