[kwlug-disc] Interesting problem i had yesterday with Ubuntu

Ronald Barnes ron at ronaldbarnes.ca
Mon Dec 14 15:42:31 EST 2020

R. Brent Clements wrote on 2020-12-14 12:31 p.m.:

> I installed a piece of software using the command line yesterday, and 
> apt reported a long list of packages that it claimed were redundant and 
> could be removed with "sudo apt autoremove"

What was the package that got installed?

> Is this a bug, or is this the behaviour I should have expected from that command? 

I've never, ever seen that personally.

I'm wondering if the package installed was from another distro / desktop 

The following may help figure out what happened with the dependencies:

> apt depends $your_package
> apt rdepends $your_package


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