[kwlug-announce] Meeting Monday: LibreOffice, WireGuard (March 2021)

Paul Nijjar paul_nijjar at yahoo.ca
Sat Feb 27 15:18:03 EST 2021

As I write this, we are experiencing a reprieve. The sun is shining,
the snow is melting (and taking out hanging network wires, but that is
beside the point) and it is almost March. On the one hand it feels
like liberation: like being freed from the obligation to use
proprietary office suites. On the other we must keep our guard up,
because there could be a whole lot of winter ahead of us before spring
breaks through. Thus, this month's presentations. 

On the liberation front, Marc Par� (who runs the local LibreOffice
group in town: https://librewaterloo.ca) will give us an update on
what the project has been up to, and will also demonstrate how to read
ODF files without using the LibreOffice GUI.

On the guarded front, we will finally get a presentation on WireGuard,
the trendy new auditable VPN. Jason Eckert will show us how to set
WireGuard up for use from a road-warrior setup to a site-to-site VPN. 

In other news, we are (as always) looking for presentations. We have
slots available from April onwards. Presentations need not be fancy --
they can just demo something you are working on, or introduce us to a
corner of FLOSS that is of current interest. If you know of other
people who are working on something interesting, you can invite them
too. We are a mostly-friendly bunch, and since we are currently
holding our meetings online, presenters can be from anywhere in the

This month's meeting will be held on our online home:


The meeting will start around 7pm. 

(Also: if you run a local group and would like to experiment with
BigBlueButton, then get in touch. We can probably arrange for your
group to use the BBB server.) 

- Paul
Events: https://feeds.off-topic.kwlug.org 
Blog: http://pnijjar.freeshell.org

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