[kwlug-disc] Presentations for Feb and beyond

Paul Nijjar paul_nijjar at yahoo.ca
Thu Jan 11 09:09:17 EST 2024

As of right now we have nothing confirmed for February or later. This
is a bad situation. There is some chance the GNU Parallel developer
will speak (and if he wants to that will take priority) but I think
that may not happen. Tim might be able to give us a tour of his home
automation stuff but that is not confirmed either.

My own energy/time to chase down presenters and presentations is not
high these days. I will do what I can but if scheduling presentations
is all on my shoulders then there is a good chance that things will
fall apart. 

If people have presentations to offer that would be a huge help. Even
if we do not have things booked for February then booking for later is

If people can step in to look for presenters (within the community or
remote) that would also be a huge help. Contact me offlist if you can
participate in this.

Things that are less helpful: 

- proposing open roundtables as filler, because we have nothing else
  planned. It is fine to have such roundtables but they should be
  scheduled with intention, not because we have nothing else to do.

- proposing nights where "everybody" talks about one component of a
  topic. These can be good events (eg the Cool Tools talk) but they
  take more work to organize than regular presentations. You have to
  seed these talks with a few guaranteed presenters in order for them
  to work. If you want to take this on and line up some members of
  "everybody" to speak then that is great, but proposing it and
  expecting me to put it together increases my workload, not decreases

- Paul

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