[kwlug-disc] E-tablets, software to read, annotate electonic documents

CrankyOldBugger crankyoldbugger at gmail.com
Sun Dec 3 20:06:02 EST 2023

I use a Kindle for reading books, and it's a good device, despite being in
the Amazon ecosystem.

I also have an older Samsung tablet that used to be my wife's, then it
died, then for reasons unknown it came back to life a year or so ago, so I
use it for various tasks like Mastodon, reading comics, etc.

On Sun, 3 Dec 2023 at 14:15, Federer Fanatic <nafdef at gmail.com> wrote:

> I speak of ebook readers and note takers. It need not be based on e-ink or
> similar display technologies. I am curious what people to use to read,
> annotate (including attaching voice notes like footnotes). Thoughts?
> --------------------------------------------------------------
>  Roger Federer Fanatic Extraordinaire :-)
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