[kwlug-disc] Meeting Location Shortlist

John Steel john at jskw.ca
Mon Aug 14 21:31:14 EDT 2023

Would it be possible to do a test call in the Dana Porter location sometime in the next couple weeks to see what it would be like? I can bring a tripod, webcam and Jabra puck microphone. 

On Wed, Aug 2, 2023, at 9:36 AM, Paul Nijjar via kwlug-disc wrote:
> At this point we have two potential meeting locations. Thanks to the
> KWLUG members who offered them. I am trying to keep their identities
> confidential, but they can out themselves if they wish.
> Now the question is which (if either) we choose, and how we make that
> decision. As a first step I am posting a writeup below, in the hopes
> it will provoke some discussion and opinions. I also have
> some pictures, but I have not posted them anywhere. If there are
> particular things you want to see then let me know.
> If you have thoughts/preferences/opinions you can post them here or
> send them directly to me. In a week I will summarize what I heard.
> August's meeting will be online. September is up in the air, but it is
> plausible that could be the first in-person (or hybrid?) meeting. 
> - Paul
> KWLUG Meeting Locations
> =======================
> 100 Garment Street
> ------------------
> This is a community meeting room on the third floor of a condo. A
> KWLUG member lives in the building and has agreed to host us each
> month.
> The building is a 5-10 minute walk from Victoria and King in
> Kitchener, so is close to downtown.
> Capacity: 15 people comfortably, 20 at most. The space is pretty small
> and there is furniture there we cannot move.
> Availability: There is no formal booking system, so there is some
> chance we could be displaced. However, the host thinks this is not
> likely. 
> Reliability: We are reliant on the host to be present for every
> meeting.
> Access: The building is wheelchair accessible. To get to the meeting
> room one has to be let in the door (there is controlled access) and go
> up an elevator. It is not clear whether we can put up signs on meeting
> nights, but the host thinks it may be possible.
> Internet: There is public wifi, and possibly a second wifi we can use for
> streaming. There is no wired internet available.
> Parking: Parking onsite is expensive. There is an underground parking
> garage which costs $2.50 for 30 minutes, so the average KWLUG attendee
> can expect to pay $12.50 per meeting. There is a small amount of
> on-street parking on Oak Street, and some parking available in
> downtown Kitchener.
> Transit: there is an LRT station at Victoria and King St.
> Streaming/Equipment: We would have to provide a projector, and
> whatever equipment we want to use for streaming. The host may be able
> to store some equipment at their condo, but maybe not a lot.
> University of Waterloo Dana Porter Library
> ------------------------------------------
> This is a classroom space in the Dana Porter library ("the sugar
> cube") at the University of Waterloo. The specific space is LIB 329.
> It is being offered by a KWLUG member who works at the university.
> Capacity: 30+ people. It is a full classroom with row seating.
> Availability: It should be fairly reliably available, although there
> is no booking system. There are other classrooms we might be able to
> use if we are displaced.
> Reliability: Unclear. We are probably reliant on a UW employee to host
> us. The proposing host has offered to host us, or help look for
> replacements if they are unable to attend. There are a few other
> people who work at UW. 
> Access: The building is wheelchair accessible. There are elevators to
> the space. We will probably not be able to put up signs. 
> Internet: There is wifi available that requires a name and email to use.
> People who are affiliated with a university can use Eduroam.
> There may be some chance of getting our own SSID but this is unlikely.
> Wired network for streaming might be possible, but is not arranged.
> Parking: There is no free parking anywhere near UW. There are paid
> parking lots for $5/evening.
> Transit: there is an LRT station at the university. 
> Streaming/Equipment: There is a projector with HDMI input. We would
> have to provide other streaming equipment, and carry it back and forth
> to meetings.
> Unlikely Locations
> ------------------
> ### Community Hub at St John's the Evangelist
> This is not available Monday evenings. It could be a possibility if 
> we were willing to switch meeting nights.
> ### SDG Hub in Downtown Kitchener
> This is a new space. The booking fee for the large room is $400/hour.
> There is a smaller room for less, but they currently do not do evening
> bookings.
> ### Public library spaces
> These may be available but not reliability. Prices vary from $50 at
> some remote libraries in Kitchener (eg Forest Heights), to $150 for
> two hours at the Waterloo Public Library.
> ### Churches, Public Schools
> In addition to a booking fee we would need to purchase liability
> insurance. This may be possible but it seemed frustrating the last
> time we looked because we are not a registered organization.
> ### KWartzlab
> The space is inaccessible (on the second floor) and there are no large
> meeting spaces (maybe 15 people at most?). A KWartzlab member would
> have to host.
> Other Places to Investigate
> ---------------------------
> ### Workhaus or other coworking spaces
> This would likely be expensive, but may be worth investigating.
> ### Restaurants
> This is likely not reliable, and there would be an expectation that
> people purchase food and drink.
> ### The Working Centre
> The Queen St Commons building has hosted a few events since the end of
> the pandemic, but Paul no longer has strong connections there. The
> space is also somewhat inaccessible, although there are ramps at the
> back.
> St John's Kitchen is probably out of the question. 
> -- 
> Events: https://feeds.off-topic.kwlug.org 
> Housing: https://unionsd.coop
> Blog: http://pnijjar.freeshell.org
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