[kwlug-disc] Canada is proposing social media surveillance and censorship

Mikalai Birukou mb at 3nsoft.com
Fri Sep 24 16:41:33 EDT 2021

And now, imagine that quoted below message/post is deemed bad and should 
not be shown to you by tech we depend on?

How can you have democracy, especially representative democracy, when 
voices from demos can be silenced? Only in the name?

> Please, consider signing again https://openmedia.org/CanadaCensorshipPlan
> I want to add that similar tools are used against people of Belarus. 
> Characterization by openmedia seems an understatement of downstream 
> negative effects.
> You've heard about Stasi archives in Germany. Imagine these archives 
> digitized, and add to it wiretapping done internally in the system, 
> capturing "verbal orders". This is what cyber partisans have 
> unearthed. Orders against people, following their posts about truth? 
> You bet.
> Consider also sending a direct note to your representative, can be 
> found by constituencies in 
> https://www.ourcommons.ca/Members/en/constituencies
> When you write to your rep., if they want to push this, where should I 
> migrate. Seriously. This issue is important for all, independent of 
> your party. If any party pushes it, the coming later dictator will 
> turn party into a mock like it has done in Russia and Belarus 
> (examples I know). Legislations like these are tools for abuse. It is 
> normal that you can't imagine how this can be abused. 10 million in 
> Belarus also couldn't imagine abuse, but they got it anyway. And, they 
> are not alone in the history. We, Canadian should absorbs these 
> lessons instead of repeating.
> <side-note> Work of these partisans totally redeems overuse of a word 
> "cyber". </side-note> 

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