[kwlug-disc] Learning Javascript

Mikalai Birukou mb at 3nsoft.com
Sat Mar 13 15:18:25 EST 2021

> I do not understand JavaScript and it is holding me back.
> I have basic familiarity with programming in other paradigms (Python,
> Powershell, Java, C, even Scheme) so I understand basic syntax like
> variables and if statements. I do not understand how JavaScript wants
> me to think, and I am looking for some resources to work through so I
> can learn. Questions I have:
> - How does JavaScript want me to think?
> - What triggers particular functions to be run? I do not really
>    understand the control flow.
> - Do the popular frameworks (React, VUE, Angular) mean you have to
>    change the way you think from vanilla JavaScript?
> - Say I want to learn Elm. Does this hurt me or help me when trying to
>    learn JavaScript?
> Some overview articles would be good to start, followed by some
> hands-on tutorials that illustrate language features step by step. I
> do not think I want to commit to some six month course right now, but
> if you know of good ones then pass them along.
> I realize that this is not completely on topic for this forum (and
> maybe I will try KWTechs later) but I thought this is a place to
> start.

Besides question about control, we want to wonder what "this" 
represents. Functions can be call() or apply() with particular value of 
"this". In Python lens: self -> this. Does Python have call/apply way to 
call a given function, binding its "self" to given value?

In places with meaningful value of "this" lambda construction of 
function can be used to keep outside "this" like one's own. Yes, we can 
say that every "function" has its own "this" that can be bound to a 
particular value or be undefined. There is bind() to create function 
with bound value of "this" (can it be changed for call/apply invokations?).

Can't think of any other fundamental features/gotchas. JavaScript is 
incredibly small.

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