[kwlug-disc] KWNPSA Social Night, 6pm Mon 18 Dec 2017 at Abe Erb in Kitchener

Bob Jonkman bjonkman at sobac.com
Sat Dec 16 02:32:00 EST 2017

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Hi everyone! I'd like to invite you to join the Kitchener-Waterloo
Non-Profit System Administrators for our Social Night.  Instead of
having a meeting talking about technical things we're having a social
night to celebrate the holiday season. I'm sure we'll talk tech, but
the purpose of the evening is to eat satisfyingly good food, drink
refreshingly good beverages, and have an amazingly good time.

Bring your spouses, partners, POSSLQs, friends, co-workers, and anyone
else you'd like to socialize with!

*What*: KWNPSA Social Night
*When*: Monday, 18 December 2017 from 6:00pm to 9:00pm (or later)
*Where*: Abe Erb Restaurant and Brewery http://abeerb.com
*Location*: 151 Charles Street West, Kitchener, Ontario
*Map*: https://osm.org/go/ZXnwUoeJ--?m=

Note that we're starting an hour earlier than ususal (at 6:00pm), in
order to optimize the amount of socializing we can fit in. But get
there when you get there, there's no deadline.

If you can, register at Meetup.com; if you can't, then just show up

Hope to see you there!

- --Bob Jonkman and Marc Paré


KWNPSA is a member of NetSquared.

NetSquared groups provide a space for anyone interested in technology
and social impact to connect, share ideas, and collaborate in-person.

We meet monthly and focus on nonprofit systems administration. Anybody
who deals with tech at their nonprofit (or small business) is welcome;
you do not need to be a professional full-time systems administrator.
See our about page
(http://www.meetup.com/NetSquared-Kitchener-Waterloo/about/) for more

- -- 

Bob Jonkman, Organizer <bobjonkman at kwnpsa.ca>
KWNPSA: Kitchener Waterloo Non-Profit System Administrators

- -- 
Bob Jonkman <bjonkman at sobac.com>          Phone: +1-519-635-9413
SOBAC Microcomputer Services             http://sobac.com/sobac/
Software   ---   Office & Business Automation   ---   Consulting
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