[kwlug-disc] (question) What embedded board do you have?

William Park opengeometry at yahoo.ca
Sat Oct 4 05:19:38 EDT 2014

On Fri, Oct 03, 2014 at 01:03:49AM -0400, John Johnson wrote:
> Perhaps the OP could define what is meant by "embedded board"? N'est
> pas?

Something cheap, small, light, low wattage, 24/7.  Something that can be
used as desktop, server, NAS, ie. anywhere where you need "computer".  I
don't care ARM or x86, as long as there is Linux distro for it.  It
would be nice to have IO pins, but I'm done with oscilloscope,
multimeter, and soldering resin fume.

Something like
but when you add memory and disk, it's $250.  If you already have SODIMM
and 2.5" disk, then $150 is not bad.

I bought Chromebox
but couldn't install Linux.  It didn't recognize my keyboard, and it
didn't boot from USB due to flaky BIOS.  Price was $175, a waste of
money because you can do that with a used laptop.

Beaglebone is probably the most desktop-like of ARM devices I've tried.
Once you're on command line or GUI, you won't know the difference.  But,
specs are too low for day-to-day use.  And, if add up all the
connectors, cables, SD cards, powered USB hub, it's over $100.

Search continues...

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