[kwlug-disc] Rogers PayGo Plans [Was: Re: Moving away from Rogers Internet]

unsolicited unsolicited at swiz.ca
Fri Jul 25 20:59:13 EDT 2014

Can you give us a link to that plan? I don't see anything under $15.75 / 
month. Presumably something somewhere around 

I do the $100/year with PayGo, but apparently I'm grandfathered in to 
some things. Khalid was asking me recently, and not only could he no 
longer choose the plan I'm on ($0.01 Eve & Weekends), I don't believe he 
found anything as cheap as $5/month.

On 14-07-25 06:24 PM, William Park wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 05:44:14PM -0400, Khalid Baheyeldin wrote:
>> On Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 5:40 PM, unsolicited <unsolicited at swiz.ca> wrote:
>>> So you still had the Rogers modem (gateway)? What was the time line
>>> surrounding modem return / the 30 days? And how did you return the modem -
>>> turn in to local Rogers Video the next day to get the pro-ration?
>> Yes, I had the Rogers modem until the date of cancellation.
>> Once the internet is up and running with the new provider, you have 1 week
>> to return the Rogers stuff to one of their shops, otherwise, they charge
>> you.
>  From my experience... Rogers gave me 5 days from the cancellation or
> transfer date.  I thought the "transfer date" is when I'm no longer
> Rogers customer.  I know that usage/IP/bandwidth are metered by Rogers
> hardware, but I thought it would be Teksavvy who will be "reading the
> meter".  So, I left the old Rogers modem plugged in until I returned it
> to the Rogers store, 5 days after cancellation date.
> Surprise, surprise, Rogers charged me up to the day I returned the
> modem.  During those 5 days, my monthly usage went over the cap, for
> which Rogers charged me extra.  I had to escalate to "president's
> office" or something to get the charge reversed.
> That said, my Rogers pay-as-you-go cell package is $5/month (250
> text/month and $0.45/min voice), and is the cheapest I can find.
> So, I don't know...  hate them or love them.

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