[kwlug-disc] Introduction: OpenSCAD

Paul Nijjar paul_nijjar at yahoo.ca
Mon Oct 21 12:55:11 EDT 2013

On Sun, Oct 20, 2013 at 07:23:45PM -0400, Bob Jonkman wrote:
> Andrew Sullivan Cant wrote:
> > We can poll the room at the beginning of the meeting for interest in
> > a [insert unknown topic here] presentation
> That happened at the last meeting.  Paul asked "Who's interested in a
> [???] presentation?"  I didn't raise my hand because I didn't even know
> what [???] was, and it took me some time to figure out if I even
> understood the words. By the time I realized that here was a gap in
> knowledge that needed to be filled, the meeting had moved on.  I should
> have said something at the time...

[???] was "remastering live CDs", but my offer was a lie. I am
using debian-live to create a PXE-bootable Linux installation for
internal use. 

Fortunately, Sarah Harvey will be using the half-slot in November
instead, so you can be informed and entertained instead of bored.

- Paul 

My Ignite Waterloo 12 video: http://youtu.be/vRfzDPKI9U0
Blog followup: http://pnijjar.freeshell.org/2013/ignite-followup/

Next Ignite is Oct 22: http://ignitewaterloo.ca

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