[kwlug-disc] Incomplete Call ID with SPA3102 & Asterisk

Chris Irwin chris at chrisirwin.ca
Mon Oct 10 01:49:53 EDT 2011

I know there are a few Asterisky folks on here that might be able to
answer a question for me.

I have an asterisk box (running a distro called 'askozia'). I also have
a landline. To bring these two together, I bought an SPA3102 with 1xFXO
and 1xFXS port. I've been up all night trying to get it to work.  I've
finally gotten the settings right to have both ports register with
asterisk. I can make and receive calls.

However, I don't get any CallID information. It simply states
"Incomplete Data".

I've read that the setting "PSTN Answer Delay" should be set to "3",
which basically delays the call 3 seconds before passing it to asterisk.
In "rare" cases, it might need to be set to a higher value to allow more
time for the CID to be received. I have tried values all the way to 25
to no effect.

Any ideas?

Chris Irwin
e:  chris at chrisirwin.ca
w: http://chrisirwin.ca
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