[kwlug-disc] what is the probable cause of mail downloading being painfully slow?

Robert P. J. Day rpjday at crashcourse.ca
Wed Dec 31 07:52:47 EST 2008

On Tue, 30 Dec 2008, Andrew Kohlsmith (lists) wrote:

> On December 27, 2008 02:32:23 pm Robert P. J. Day wrote:
> > > There is a "no dns" option to fetchmail that may help you. You may
> > > also need to specifiy the "localdomains" to make sure you get email.
> >
> >   tried that, didn't make any difference, still a horrendous time
> > lag between messages.
> MTU issue?  What's tcpdump tell you as you're downloading a few?

  here's what seems to be a pattern.  fetching mail will work just
fine after i've set up my laptop on someone's network.  when i shut
down and move to someone else's network (say, dropping by to visit
someone and latching onto their home wireless), there's a non-zero
chance that fetching mail will now have that horrid time lag between
fetches, *unless* i simply restart the system.  then, chances are
everything is just fine.

  it's as if the *first* boot at the new location still has some
vestige of the previous location's DNS info, but doing a *second* boot
finally clears it out.

  does that make even minimal sense?


Robert P. J. Day
Linux Consulting, Training and Annoying Kernel Pedantry:
    Have classroom, will lecture.

http://crashcourse.ca                          Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

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