[kwlug-announce] KWLUG Dinner meeting Wednesday night (2024-03-13) at "McCabe's WATERLOO" at 7pm

Andrew Sullivan Cant mail at andrewsullivancant.ca
Sun Mar 10 12:43:31 EDT 2024

Hi everyone,

This month we are meeting for dinner in Waterloo at "McCabe's WATERLOO" 
on Wednesday (2024-03-13) at 7pm their address is 44 King Street South 

* https://www.mccabeswaterloo.com/
* https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/149976273

The meeting is also posted on the KWLUG website at:
* https://kwlug.org/node/1371

This is in Uptown Waterloo across from the Ion Station.

I will call the reservation on Wednesday afternoon, so please RSVP 
either to me directly or to dinner at kwlug.org.

And as always RSVPs are helpful for making a reservation, but feel free 
to just show up. We have never had a problem with extra people. 😄

See you on Wednesday,


(P.S.: We are trying out new places because of the closure of McCabe's 
in Kitchener. If you have any suggestions please let me know. Generally 
I am looking for places which are near to the Ion line to keep things 

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