[kwlug-announce] Meeting Monday: Curv, Mattermost

Paul Nijjar paul_nijjar at yahoo.ca
Sun Dec 10 00:11:51 EST 2017

For the last meeting of the year, we are celebrating the spirit of
DIY. We have two presentations by people who are creating the world
they want to live in. 

Doug Moen likes printers. He has been in the 3D printing scene for
some time now, and now he is contributing to that community by
creating Curv, a programming language for designing 3D objects.
Instead of defining shapes by polygons, Curv represents shapes via
mathematical equations, which give it high precision and the ability
to render fractals and organic forms. Doug has been working on Curv
for a while now and he says that it is close to release. He will be
tell us about the project and give us a demo. 

Jonathan Fritz recently started working for Mattermost, an open-source
alternative to Slack. You can host Mattermost on your own server,
which makes it more difficult for a hosting company to lock you out of
your archives if you don't cough up the monthly fee. Jonathan will
also be telling us more about this project and give us an extended

In other news, Cory Doctorow came to speak last week and it was pretty
good. I owe some of you an apology, however; I was debating whether to
send a special email to the list last week and I did not do so, and I
worry that some people who would have liked to attend the talk did not
even find out about it. My apologies to you if you were one of those

These presentations will start around 7pm. The meeting will be held at
the usual location: 

St John's Kitchen
97 Victoria Street N
(at Weber)

See https://kwlug.org/sjk for maps and photos of the location. There
is free parking in the thrift store parking lot. 
Doors open around 6:30pm, and I always appreciate setup helpers.

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