# `[[Logseq]]:` * Your second brain --- ## Waiting my whole life for 4d notes. - I've spent [[My]] whole life waiting for a tool that does what [[Logseq]] does. - [[Logseq]] allows you to take notes that don't only affect today but the future as well. --- ## [[Project]] paralysis boss mode - I think that starting projects is a tricky thing for a lot of people it's exciting to get that dopamine hit from starting stuff but coming up with a strategy to finish and executing that strategy is kind of a hard one and a bit of a buzzkill. --- ## Rabbit Holes When I first found [[Logseq]] I spent about 3 days watching various [[youtube]] videos on how people were using this tool in their lives to make sure I knew what I was doing. --- ## Sufficiently too much. When I'd reached what I thought was a sufficient understanding one video mentioned that the original authors of [[Logseq]] intended for you to just start writing and figure it out as you go. I don't regret having looked into how people use the tool but it's also very simple in essence. --- ## Exhaustive functionality When it comes to using [[Logseq]], it does more things than I have time to list and I think that you might end up going home to [[research]] this more or at least I hope to inspire you to. --- ## How I Use [[Logseq]] [1/3] - Things I currently do with [[Logseq]] - TODO management. - tracking a log of [[My]] day. - Taking live listening notes on random videos I'm recommended. --- ## How I Use [[Logseq]] [2/3] - Writing down and mapping ideas - Crystalizing knowledge and cementing significant quotes. - Storing code snippets - Planning vacations - Remembering why I abandoned something - Remembering that I'm doing something - Remembering that I've done something - Collaborating with others and remembering details about people --- ## How I Use [[Logseq]] [3/3] - Remembering what I'm doing in relation to projects and various specific servers, appliances and roles. - Never losing a todo list item - Formulating a graph of data interconnections that help me understand that it's not all complete chaos. - Use the flashcards functionality with the `#card` tag to help cement knowledge in your head. - Convincing myself that I'm actually a bit of a productivity power house. --- ## Things you could do with [[Logseq]] [1/2] - Write custom plugins for [[Logseq]] - Selfhosting a Chrome browser compatible [[Logseq]] instance. - Use premade plugins for [[Logseq]]. - Use the [[whiteboard]] for mind-mapping ideas - Write slides for presentations in [[Logseq]] --- ## Things cont'd... [2/2] - Write ancient html tags into your [[Logseq]] `throwback to geocities` --- ## Queries in pages. [no time] Embed queries into your graph to help you bring a pile of related data into one page like things within `{{query }}` --- ## How you could use queries - If you need to remember what you wrote in the day from two weeks ago or within this day two years ago. - Simply navigate to the page named [[member-berries]] with a bunch of pre-written queries so you review notes a number of times as the days months and years go by to help crystallize knowledge. --- ## Templates and properties for pages. [no time] You can make page templates as well for reocurring structured logs. --- # Bonus context ## The Unreasonable Effectiveness Of Plain Text "[[YouTube]]" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgV6M1LyfNY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgV6M1LyfNY) --- - Summary of the video from the youtube channel "No Boilerplate" is essentially KISS - With Markdown everything that is markdown is supremely portable - You don't need to know all of Markdown to use Markdown you just need to know how to write and then if you want to add formatting and stuff theres all kinds more you can learn if you want. - Markdown is basically modern bb code. --- # [[Logseq]] is compatible with typical rich text editor hotkeys. But also accepts inline command syntax like if you want to create a `/link` it's a command and an input box away. --- When I was originally **not** looking for [[Logseq]] I frequently found myself wanting a tool that didn't exist yet, that would [[cover]] [[My]] typical logging criteria: --- - Who am I doing my [[research]] for, me or some cloud provider or AI scraper (copilot/openai/"FAANG")? --- - Who owns [[My]] data and how easy is it to work with when its saved? --- - Is the [[project]] and more importantly [[My]] work immune to closed sourced forking or other licensing nonsense. --- ## Forking Closed? What is the meaning of this ...and why should you want immunity to this? --- ## Forking Closed(n.) Definition: When creators of an open source project develop a proprietary (closed source) version, splitting the project into two paths: a restricted, commercial fork and the original open source version, leading to a divided community. --- # The Plugins I've found useful and use regularly. [in no particular order] - Helium - Todo list - Journals Calendar - Markdown Table Editor - Logseq-mergepages-plugin - Bullet Threading - Banners - Automatic Linker - Tags - TOC Generator - Logseq Interstitial Journal