[kwlug-disc] I miss KWLUG so badly!

Ronald Barnes ron at ronaldbarnes.ca
Thu Nov 23 23:04:37 EST 2017

Paul Nijjar via kwlug-disc wrote on 2017-11-22 07:03 AM:

> It sounds to me as if VanLUG is in trouble, but not critically so. Do
> you have any inclination/energy to help revive it? You could be the
> VanLUG that you want to see in the world.

I've been trying since July - I registered the Twitter account they 
linked to.

Reached out to local tech company (one to start) to see if they were 
interested in presenting.  They were eager!  Took months for VanLUG to 
get an email together to pursue it, and they complained the whole time.

I started tweeting generic stuff about the upcoming meetings, etc.

They don't appreciate that though. The president's thoughts as posted to 
their mailing list:

> I'm going to ask you to refrain from acting on your own individual
> initiative, without VanLUG approval. You are not authorized to speak
> on behalf of VanLUG. Only elected board members may do so. This is
> the last time. What you are doing is not helpful. Next time you do
> this, I'll contact Twitter. But I'd rather not have to.

VanLUG is fubar, I'm afraid.

> Here are some easy wins, based upon looking at the website and what
> you have told us:
> - You could work with the website maintainer and make some small
>    fixes.

I offered to help with the web site, but they want me to join their 
board first (which is the source of all the problems in the first place, 
IMHO) - their reply:

> I'm delighted to hear this. It's something we really need. I've had
> another offer as well. Do you have any experience with PayPal,
> MySQL/MariaDB, and/or WordPress? The best thing to do is to join the
> board at the upcoming AGM, or just the Website Committee.

I can't fathom joining their board - a "Website Committee?!?" explains a 

> - You have done all kinds of interesting things, and you gave a talk
>    with Bob Jonkman on some of them. You could revive that talk or
>    offer to give a different one, the same way you were planning on
>    speaking with KWLUG.

That's a possibility, and a good idea.

> - There is a watcamp-style listing of tech events for Vancouver at
>    http://startupnorth.ca/events/vancouver-events/

Awesome!  Thanks for that link, somehow I hadn't come across it before.

>  . I see that the
>    last VanLUG meeting was not on that. It might be possible to get
>    future VanLUG meetings there (or maybe you can use that calendar to
>    find a less dysfunctional community).

I think the latter is the best option.  I'm not "allowed" to act on 
behalf of VanLUG.

> One of the reasons KWLUG still exists is because we do not take
> months off. As soon as you start skipping meetings you are in
> trouble.

Yes, this is critical!

> Dealing with membership fees and the restrictions of a nonprofit
> structure is a hassle, which is why I have resisted it (and probably
> hurt KWLUG in the process).
No, I'm absolutely certain it has benefited KWLUG by not being a 
non-profit.  Seems the legal requirements, paperwork, etc. is relentless 
and takes energy best spent on the LUG itself.

It's exactly the problem with VanLUG.

> What you do have to offer is a set of fresh eyes and (potentially)
> some energy. Both of these things are invaluable to keeping user
> groups alive.

They recognize my eagerness, but Every. Single. Suggestion or attempt to 
help is met with "Join the Board".

I've been kicking around the idea to fork VanLUG for months - just as a 
bit of mental exercise.

I suspect I went from one of the best LUGS (KWLUG) to one of the very 
worst (VanLUG).  It's a jarring transition.

I really appreciate the ideas and kind comments, from everyone that's 

Thanks, and look forward to next time I see you.

r b

PS  I fail at replying to list with correct From: so sorry if this is a 

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