[kwlug-disc] Switching Jobs from Debian Shop to RHEL?

William Park opengeometry at yahoo.ca
Sun Jul 13 17:14:34 EDT 2014

On Sun, Jul 13, 2014 at 01:59:45PM -0400, Chris Craig wrote:
> On 13 July 2014 12:52, William Park <opengeometry at yahoo.ca> wrote:
> > Hands-on is the best way.  It won't take long, if you already know one
> > Linux.  Most of "issues" you'll face will be how it interacts with other
> > machines.  And, that's something you can't learn in isolation.
> I've used Debian/Ubuntu at work for the last three jobs I've had, but
> still use Slackware at home. Well I did use Slackware for the first of
> the three but there were some issues with cross compiling so switched
> to Debian. I played around with Red Hat as my first Linux distro but
> ultimately didn't like it too much - that was over 10 years ago
> though. The most trouble I had was with dependency resolution. I'd
> rather solve dependencies manually with Slackware than try to get rpm
> to recognize that they're resolved, or not as the case may be.
> There are things I tolerate at work that I wouldn't at home, but
> they're different use cases. Unity is too flaky and I never liked
> their unified application menu or task switcher, but there are limited
> applications that I use so it's not too bad. At home I wouldn't find
> it usable.
> One of the major differences you might find is if you're dependent on
> "sudo" for a lot of things, it's not used so much outside of Ubuntu. I
> use sudo at work and not really at home. I've found that Red Hat
> doesn't upgrade well.
> You might find this interesting, Joe:
> http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/57849

A fellow Slackware users... howdy. :-)

Here's some thought on "sudo" off top of my head (in case you don't get
straight root access):
    - sudo -i
    - sudo -e	--> edit file
    - visudo	--> edit /etc/sudoers.  I add "NOPASSWD:" to avoid
      typing password.
    - vipw [-s]
    - vigr [-s]

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