[kwlug-announce] Meeting Monday, 7pm: Unit Testing, Kubernetes Roundtable (Dec 2021)

Paul Nijjar paul_nijjar at yahoo.ca
Sat Dec 4 18:37:37 EST 2021

Sometimes it seems incomprehensible that software works at all.
Dozens of bugs can lurk in two or three lines of code. When you use
the power of FLOSS to inspect real, live, production code, all too
often you are nauseated. Furthermore, conditions change: assumptions
that once seemed sensible come back to haunt us. (Jan 2038 is just
over 16 years away, kids.) How can you not despair?

One thing that helps is systematic, repeatable, low-friction testing.
In addition to being our meeting host, Andrew Cant is an experienced
software developer who is well-versed in the rigors of testing. In
our first presentation he will lead us through the dark arts of unit
testing our code (probably in Ruby, but don't hold that against him). 

The second half of our meeting will consist of a roundtable on one of
the group's current obsessions: Kubernetes. Mikalai Birukou will kick
things off with an introduction of how he moved from Docker Swarm to
Kubernetes, and then we will migrate to an open Q&A/roundtable format. 

As always, we are on the hunt for presentations. I nag you about that
every month, but I will do so again -- we are booking from January
onwards, and you don't have to be a world expert to present. Just talk
about some FLOSS-related case-study, technology, or exploration you
have engaged in recently. If you have contacts out-of-town who might
want to present, then invite them; for the time being we are keeping
our meetings virtual. 

That's all for this month. If you have a December break I hope it is
peaceful and safe for you.

Our meeting will be held online:


The meeting will start at 7pm. The virtual doors will open a bit

- Paul

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