# What is dnsmasq? # It is a caching DNS resolver/DHCP server/ TFTP server: # Dnsmasq provides network infrastructure for small networks: DNS, DHCP, router advertisement and network boot. # It is designed to be lightweight and have a small footprint, suitable for resource constrained routers and firewalls # http://www.thekelleys.org.uk/dnsmasq/doc.html # THE man page: http://www.thekelleys.org.uk/dnsmasq/docs/dnsmasq-man.html # Authoritative and complete # DHCP options: https://www.iana.org/assignments/bootp-dhcp-parameters/bootp-dhcp-parameters.xhtml ## In order to make dnsmasq run on systemd system, need to disable systemd caching resolver ## May 02 00:23:36 ubuntu-2004-server dnsmasq[1468]: dnsmasq: failed to create listening socket for port 53: Address already in use ## systemctl disable systemd-resolved.service ## reboot ## rm /etc/resolv.conf ## Replace resolv.conf telling it to talk to dnsmasq ## nameserver ## search locallocal.islocal # Basic DNS/DHCP server interface=ens4 # Restrict to LAN interfaces - do not server DNS/DHCP on WAN! bind-interfaces dhcp-option=3, # Router for the LAN dhcp-option=4, # NTP server for the LAN dhcp-option=6, # Domain Server (DNS) for the LAN # Set range of DHCP addresses to serve, netmask and lease duration in seconds dhcp-range=,,,3600 #Multiple listen interfaces: A dhcp-range for each (dnamasq will figure out which interface to serve on): #dhcp-range=,,,3600 local=/locallocal.islocal/ # What is our domain? dhcp-authoritative # We are THE DHCP server in this network expand-hosts # Any sinple name (no ".") in /etc/hosts gets our domain appended server= # Our upstream domain name servers #resolv-file=/etc/resolv.conf # Our upstream domain name servers #strict-order # Query upstream DNS in the order they appear in resolv.conf bogus-priv # Do not forward reverse-lookup misses on my network upstream dhcp-leasefile=/var/lib/misc/dnsmasq.leases # Keep track of DHCP leases # Static DNS records: host and PTR - and tags! # set:tagname, address, MAC, DNS hostname # tags are used in dnsmasq to ID groups across directives/lines dhcp-host=set:tag01,,52:54:00:b7:d7:5f,firstserver # Add reverse/PTR records address=/firstserver.locallocal.islocal/ ptr-record=,firstserver.locallocal.islocal # You can also send custom data to clients with DHCP # Options 224-254 are reserved for private use # The client sees the result in: # /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.leases dhcp-option-force=tag:tag01,224,"InventoryBarcode" # You can refuse to give an address to a particular MAC address #dhcp-host=5c:51:4f:a9:ae:f7,ignore # I often keep track of client configs in a separate file in /etc/dnsmasq.d/hosts.conf # For use with Samba4 domain controller configured with Internal DNS # https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Setting_up_Samba_as_an_Active_Directory_Domain_Controller #domain-needed #domain=daytona-domain.cs.uwaterloo.ca #dhcp-option=44, # Netbios Name Server (WINS) #port=0 # Turn off DNS functionality: Only server DHCP/TFTP. Let Samba4 do DNS. # PXE install #enable-tftp # DNSSAMQ has a built-in tftp server. Easy to configure and use #tftp-root=/srv/tftp/boot/grub # tftp server root #dhcp-match=set:x86PC, option:client-arch, 0 #dhcp-match=set:BC_EFI, option:client-arch, 6 #dhcp-match=set:BC_EFI, option:client-arch, 7 #dhcp-match=set:BC_EFI, option:client-arch, 9 #dhcp-match=set:POWER_EFI, option:client-arch, e ##pxe-service=tag:x86PC,x86PC, "Legacy BIOS PXE", i386-pc/core.0 ##pxe-service=tag:BC_EFI,BC_EFI, "UEFI PXE", BOOTX64.EFI ##pxe-service=tag:POWER_EFI,Alpha, "POWER EFI PXE", powerpc-ieee1275/core.elf #dhcp-boot=tag:x86PC,pxelinux.0 #dhcp-boot=tag:BC_EFI, BOOTX64.EFI #dhcp-boot=tag:POWER_EFI,pxelinux.cfg/test # Boot of PXE client will load BOOTX64.EFI and then local grubx64.efi # grubx64.efi will poll the tftp server for grub.cfg (installer/boot details) with a more specific progression of addresses (in hex) # Yes, grub can netboot! #May 4 21:18:26 ubuntu-2004-server dnsmasq-dhcp[1570]: DHCPACK(ens4) 52:54:00:b7:d7:5f firstserver #May 4 21:18:26 ubuntu-2004-server dnsmasq-tftp[1570]: error 8 User aborted the transfer received from #May 4 21:18:26 ubuntu-2004-server dnsmasq-tftp[1570]: failed sending /srv/tftp/boot/grub/BOOTX64.EFI to #May 4 21:18:26 ubuntu-2004-server dnsmasq-tftp[1570]: sent /srv/tftp/boot/grub/BOOTX64.EFI to #May 4 21:18:27 ubuntu-2004-server dnsmasq-tftp[1570]: sent /srv/tftp/boot/grub/grubx64.efi to #May 4 21:18:27 ubuntu-2004-server dnsmasq-tftp[1570]: file /srv/tftp/boot/grub/grub.cfg-01-52-54-00-b7-d7-5f not found #May 4 21:18:27 ubuntu-2004-server dnsmasq-tftp[1570]: file /srv/tftp/boot/grub/grub.cfg-C0A8EA65 not found #May 4 21:18:27 ubuntu-2004-server dnsmasq-tftp[1570]: file /srv/tftp/boot/grub/grub.cfg-C0A8EA6 not found #May 4 21:18:27 ubuntu-2004-server dnsmasq-tftp[1570]: file /srv/tftp/boot/grub/grub.cfg-C0A8EA not found #May 4 21:18:27 ubuntu-2004-server dnsmasq-tftp[1570]: file /srv/tftp/boot/grub/grub.cfg-C0A8E not found #May 4 21:18:27 ubuntu-2004-server dnsmasq-tftp[1570]: file /srv/tftp/boot/grub/grub.cfg-C0A8 not found #May 4 21:18:27 ubuntu-2004-server dnsmasq-tftp[1570]: file /srv/tftp/boot/grub/grub.cfg-C0A not found #May 4 21:18:27 ubuntu-2004-server dnsmasq-tftp[1570]: file /srv/tftp/boot/grub/grub.cfg-C0 not found #May 4 21:18:27 ubuntu-2004-server dnsmasq-tftp[1570]: file /srv/tftp/boot/grub/grub.cfg-C not found #May 4 21:18:27 ubuntu-2004-server dnsmasq-tftp[1570]: sent /srv/tftp/boot/grub/grub.cfg to #May 4 21:18:27 ubuntu-2004-server dnsmasq-tftp[1570]: sent /srv/tftp/boot/grub/EFI/BOOT/x86_64-efi/command.lst to #May 4 21:18:27 ubuntu-2004-server dnsmasq-tftp[1570]: sent /srv/tftp/boot/grub/EFI/BOOT/x86_64-efi/fs.lst to #May 4 21:18:27 ubuntu-2004-server dnsmasq-tftp[1570]: sent /srv/tftp/boot/grub/EFI/BOOT/x86_64-efi/crypto.lst to #May 4 21:18:27 ubuntu-2004-server dnsmasq-tftp[1570]: sent /srv/tftp/boot/grub/EFI/BOOT/x86_64-efi/terminal.lst to #May 4 21:18:27 ubuntu-2004-server dnsmasq-tftp[1570]: sent /srv/tftp/boot/grub/grub.cfg to # Installer has changed for Ubuntu 20.04. Need to investigate and update! # iSCSI via DHCP # Use LIO/target cli to configure iSCSI target (block device on network) # https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/ISCSI/LIO # Works with all hardware if you use iPXE USB boot #dhcp-host=00:01:2e:6e:b3:ae,,net:mythbuntu1604level4 #dhcp-option=mythbuntu1604level4,17,iscsi: # Provisiongin Cisco/Linksys VoIP phones # tftp server delivers config files #dhcp-option=67, ## Things to explore # Can also do HTTP boot # https://lenovopress.com/lp0736.pdf # https://en.opensuse.org/UEFI_HTTPBoot_Server_Setup # DNSSEC # https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Dnsmasq #trust-anchor=.,19036,8,2,49AAC11D7B6F6446702E54A1607371607A1A41855200FD2CE1CDDE32F24E8FB5 #dnssec-check-unsigned