<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div>An update on my desktop after upgrading Kubuntu from 14.04 to 16.04.<br><br>Basically,
KDE was missing some stuff, such as a weather app. It also seems to
have gone down the path of we know better than the user what they want,
and started to dumb down things and not making them as configurable
(KDE's traditional forte).<br><br>So, I bit the bullet, and did something I was thinking of doing for a long time: switched to Xubuntu 16.04.<br><br>It was basically:<br><br>sudo aptitude install -with-recommends xubuntu-desktop<br><br></div>Then removing all kubuntu-desktop, sddm, and all packages with the name 'plasma' in them. <br><br></div>Xubuntu has a functional weather widget (powered by forecast from Norway, or all places), and I was able to get equivalents of what I am used to (Pluma instead of Kate, Evince instead of Okular)<br><br></div><div>The panel for Xubuntu looks a bit odd when set to vertical on the side, and some icons take a huge amount of space on it, but not a big deal ... <br><br></div>So far, so good ... laptop is still very fast ... <br></div>