<div dir="ltr">And I tried to be too smart, and wrote a script that will notify me on my Gmail account.<br><br>But, I forgot to run it with nohup, so it aborted and was not running to inform anyone ...<br><br><br>#!/bin/sh<br>
<br>MAIL=<a href="mailto:yourmail@gmail.com">yourmail@gmail.com</a><br>HOST= # Your external IP address<br><br>PING_SECS=60<br>PING_CHECK_COUNT=5<br><br>PING_FAIL_COUNT=0<br>while true<br>do<br> sleep $PING_SECS<br>
<br> fping -q $HOST<br> if [ "$?" != 0 ]; then<br> PING_FAIL_COUNT=`expr $PING_FAIL_COUNT + 1`<br> else<br> # Reset the counter<br> PING_FAIL_COUNT=0<br> fi<br><br> # If ping fails for 5 times in a row, notify <br>
if [ $PING_FAIL_COUNT -gt $PING_CHECK_COUNT ]; then<br> echo "$PING_CHECK_COUNT consecutive failures ... sending notification!"<br> mail -s "Internet is not working!" $MAIL <<EOF<br>The internet connection is not working.<br>
<br>Inform your techie-in-residence now!<br>Make sure you inform them verbally, in person, NOT by <br>email, and not by a VoIP line.<br>EOF<br> echo "Notification sent. Exiting!"<br> exit<br> fi<br>done<br>