I have been bitten by this email hijack.<br><br>For regular browsing, I use Firefox with NoScript, and disable all Javascript and Flash for all sites, except a select few (Google for Gmail, Facebook because it is not functional without it, ...etc.)<br>
<br>For surfing the occasional site that I need Javascript or Flash on, I use Chromium, and fire it up as needed, and paste the URL. <br><br>Yahoo Mail and Hotmail, which I only use occasionally, require Javascript and don't degrade gracefully. So I use those on Chromium once a week or once a month.<br>
<br>My Yahoo Mail was taken over, and someone was sending emails with links to my contacts with malicious links. I changed the password in Yahoo Mail, and the problem went away. <br><br>So, my conclusion is that Javascript seems to be the culprit, or maybe XSS, but I don't recall clicking on any of the links sent by anyone.<br>
<br>I have NEVER ever used Yahoo Mail or Hotmail on a mobile device, so that is not the attack vector for sure.<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Khalid M. Baheyeldin<br><a href="http://2bits.com" target="_blank">2bits.com</a>, Inc.<br>
Fast Reliable Drupal<br>Drupal optimization, development, customization and consulting.<br>Simplicity is prerequisite for reliability. -- Edsger W.Dijkstra<br>Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. -- Leonardo da Vinci<br>
For every complex problem, there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong." -- H.L. Mencken<br>