Kyle I've come across them before in my searches of other refurbishers. They appear legitimate but I don't see a location for them anywhere near us (they seem to mostly be stationed out west). The one thing I don't see is any mention of the Ontario Electronic Stewardship (which is where the taxes you pay on equipment goes to).<br>
<br>Refurbishers don't have to be a part of the OES, but those that are (TWC is) have to go through an audit process that involves ensuring that the organization is doing things like:<br><br>* not shipping stuff overseas<br>
* training staff/volunteers in material handling<br>* maintaining a certain standard of quality if refurbishing<br>* reporting/tracking hardware to OES<br>* hazardous material handling (mostly batteries, etc.)<br><br>The audit process is less difficult for Drop off only sites than it is for refurbishers.<br>
<br>Really there are 3 different types of OES sites:<br>1. Primary Processors - places like Greentec and GEEP that disassemble materials and take care of things like the plastics, mercury, etc.<br>2. Drop off sites - places like FutureShop and Best Buy that are allowed to collect the materials for a primary processor to pick up (but they cannot touch the material or refurbish it once it's dropped off).<br>
3. Refurbishing sites - places like The Working Centre's Computer Recycling Project which are approved by OES to rebuild systems and parts.<br><br>The auditing process for primary processors and refurbishers is much more extensive than it is for drop off sites. If you search on the <a href=""></a> web site you'll notice some symbols beside each site. Most sites will have a Recycling and Open Year Round Symbol. The Working Centre's listing shows a third symbol that looks like a Y which is the refurbishing/reuse symbol. Only sites with this symbol and primary processors are allowed to reuse items under OES's guidelines.<br>
<br>This is of course all related to OES. As I mentioned earlier there are non-OES places out there (independents). Some charge, some don't.<br><br>Hope this clarifies some things...<br><br>-- Charles<br>